Select Chained between two tables using criterion the field of the first


Viewed 30 times


Good afternoon, great masters.

Here’s the situation, I need to get you out d12400 all field results nrentg in which the field dtentg be = '13.10.2020', to search in the table d12410 the fields that d12400.nrenr = nrentg and display the field nrentg and cdpro.

tried variations of this select cdpro, nrentg from d12410 where nrentg = (select nrentg from d12400 where dtentg = '13.10.2020')

1 answer


Have you tried using a junction?

SELECT codpro, nrentg 
FROM d12410 JOIN d12400 ON (d12410.nrentg = d12400.nrentg)
WHERE d1240.dtentg = '13.10.2020'

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