I’m making a site that contains a forum and I need to pick up the amount of topics and registered users and with this in my back-end I send these quantities by header. I’m using in my back-end Cors, Express, Knex, Nodemailer, Sqlite3.
async listAll(request, response){
const { page = 1 } = request.query;
const [count_topics] = await connection('topics')
const [count_users] = await connection('users')
const topics = await connection('topics')
.join('users', 'users.id_user', '=', 'topics.user_id')
.orderBy('id_topic', 'desc')
.offset((page - 1) * 3)
.select(['topics.id_topic', 'topics.title', 'topics.description', 'topics.date_topic', 'users.user']);
const recent_topics = await connection('topics')
.join('users', 'users.id_user', '=', 'topics.user_id')
.orderBy('id_topic', 'desc')
.offset((page - 1) * 7)
.select(['topics.id_topic', 'topics.title', 'topics.date_topic', 'users.user']);
response.header('X-Total-Count-Topics', count_topics['count(*)']); //aqui estou enviando a quantidade de tópicos pelo header
response.header('X-Total-Count-Users', count_users['count(*)']); //aqui estou enviando a quantidade de usuarios cadastrados pelo header
const send = {topics, recent_topics};
return response.json(send);
And this information is in the header as I entered.
Here is my front end done in React where I try to get the information that is in the header. I am using in my front-end Axios, html-React-parser, React-router-dom, React-scripts, sweetalert2.
const [topics, setTopics] = useState([]);
const [recentTopics, setRecentTopics] = useState([]);
const [totalTopics, setTotalTopics] = useState(0);
const [totalUsers, setTotalUsers] = useState(0);
async function loadTopics() {
const response = await api.get('/topics');
setTotalTopics(response.headers['X-Total-Count-Topics']); //eu tentei pegar desse jeito mas aparece undefined
setTotalUsers(response.headers['X-Total-Count-Users']); //eu tentei pegar desse jeito mas aparece undefined
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
When when I use what I’ve stored in the state basically does not show the amount of users and topics that are in the header, I’ve already put a console.log() and it appears Undefined.
I wanted to know how I get this data I sent to my header so I can continue on my project.
I’ll take a look later, but can’t you pass that information on to the backend json and retrieve it on the front? if I can and I don’t know how to do it, just say I’m trying to make a simple example in code and I’ll show you
– Robson gomes de jesus
gives a console.log(Response.headers) and console.log(Response.data) and sees what appears if there is this information there you are trying to access the wrong way, and says what is appearing in Preview and Response
– Robson gomes de jesus