I have two problems, I made a function to check by the class of selects all your children in the block, so when I change the first option has to change all the others in cascade. Problems:
(1) -> how it is inserting the "Selected" it is not triggering the "onChange" of the product
(2) -> when I change the first time it applies to all selects, but if I keep switching between the options it only changes the ones that have not yet been selected (it only works 1 time)
JS with my function
selectDepositoPadrao: function(event){
// capturar o evento
// pegar somente o bloco para poder alterar por classe cada option
// buscando a mesma classe em comun nos depósitos
//ignora o primeiro
if(idx) {
//pega os values dos options dos selects
$(item).children().each(function(idxOpt, itemOpt){
if($(itemOpt).val() === $(event).val()){
$(itemOpt).attr('selected', 'selected')
Form that triggers it
<select name="depositoPadraoCel" id="depositoPadraoCel" onchange="FormularioTransferencia.selectDepositoPadrao($(this))"
Onchange I want to trigger that is not triggering (Lade do Laravel)
<select class="depositoDestino"
name = "celular[{{$inputId}}][deposito_destino]"
@if(isset($celular)) id="depositoDestinoCelular{{$celular->estoque_celular->es_id}}"
onchange="obtemProdutoStatusDoDeposito('{{$celular->estoque_celular->es_id}}', 'Celular')" @endif>
<option value="" selected>Selecione o deposito</option>
@foreach($depositos as $deposito)
<option @if(isset($celular) && $deposito->id == $celular->deposito_destino_id) selected
@endif value="{{$deposito->id}}">
I’m trying to find out if I have to use only the JS change by applying it to scrolling through indices instead of adding the "Selected" straight to I don’t know if this is the right way.
***(last sentence) straight into "<option>" with Selected (I could not edit 2 times here...
– Luiz Felipe Burgatt Jolo