Repeat Structures in Python


Viewed 154 times


recently started my studies in programming and was doing a URI exercise in which I have to read an undetermined set of values M and N, where for each pair read, show the sequence of the smallest to the largest and the sum of consecutive integers between them (including N and M). Thinking on what the best way to solve me arose the following doubt, is it possible to make a loop of repetition within a Conditional Structure? Because I can solve this problem in a simpler way, but following a logic similar to repetition structures I can not at all present the correct result. Follow the link of the question:

 M = int(input(""))
 N = int(input(""))

 soma = 0

 while True:
    if (M <= 0 or N <= 0):

  if (M >= N):
     for N in range(N, M, 1):
        soma = soma + N
    for M in range(M, N, 1):
        soma = soma + M


M = int(input(""))
N = int(input(""))
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2 answers


First detail is that the values of M and N will be read in the same input, not separately.

limits = input()
M, N = map(int, limits.split())

You can always build your loop from M to N, but if M is larger, invert the values:

if M > N:
  M, N = N, M

Code would look like this:

while True:
    limites = input()
    M, N = map(int, limites.split())

    if M <= 0 or N <= 0:
    if M > N:
        M, N = N, M

    soma = 0
    for numero in range(M, N+1):
        print(numero, end=' ')
        soma += numero

You can simplify even more if you wish, but this I leave as homework for you.


Another way to resolve this issue is:

# uri 1101
while True:
    M, N = list(map(int, input().split()))

    if M <= 0 or N <= 0:
        menor = min(M, N)
        maior = max(M, N)

        soma = 0
        for c in range(menor, maior + 1):
            soma += c
            print(c, end=' ')

Note that when we run this code the program screen gets dark with the cursor flashing in the upper left corner. At this time we must enter the values M and N, in same line, separated for a single space and press enter.

From now on the algorithm will perform all tasks and display the results.

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