How to organize the values of an array in a table using Javascript


Viewed 55 times


Hello, I have the following example array:

var users = [
    { DiaDaSemana: 'segunda a sexta', valor: 'joaozinho' },
    { DiaDaSemana: 'segunda a sexta', valor: 'mariazinha' },
    { DiaDaSemana: 'sabados', valor: 'manuel' },
    { DiaDaSemana: 'sabados', valor: 'jose' }

would like to know how to organize using table programmatically, with javascript in the following way:

segunda a sexta | sabados
joaozinho       | manuel
mariazinha      | jose

With this example I can not create neither a TH nor a TD plus lines:


    <div id='myDiv'>
        <table id='tabela'>
            <thead id="cabecalho">
                <tr id="linha">


        var table = document.getElementById('tabela');
        var thead = document.getElementById('cabecalho');
        var tr = document.getElementById('linha');
        var textoInserido = [];
        // var existeLinha = false;

        var newCell = document.createElement('th');

        // Faz um loop para criar as colunas
        for (var j = 0; j < thead.rows.length; j++) {                   
                for (let indiceLinha = 0; indiceLinha < tr.cells.length; indiceLinha++) { 
                    <% for (let i = 0; i < users.length; i++) { %>
                        var existeLinha = tr.cells[indiceLinha].innerText.includes("<%= users[i].DiaDaSemana %>");
                        if(existeLinha == false) {

                            newCell = tr.insertCell(<% i %>);
                            newCell.innerText = "<%= users[i].DiaDaSemana %>";

                            // insere o elemento na lista
                            textoInserido.push("<%= users[i].DiaDaSemana %>"); 


                    <% } %>           




I’m using the ejs to help build the table Could someone please shed some light on this?

  • If you’ve tried N ways, then you have some code done, right? Please click [Edit] and add this code. Also read how to mount a [mcve]

  • @hkotsubo inserted the code snippet that does not work. OK ?

  • @Ediberto checks if my answer helps you

  • @clone where?

  • checks the post

1 answer


function separador(users){

let temp={};
let newarray=[];
//inicia um foreache nos users
        object => {
        //verifica se ja existe
        if(temp[object.DiaDaSemana] !== undefined){
            temp= Object.assign(temp,{[object.DiaDaSemana]:[newarray]});
            temp= Object.assign(temp,{[object.DiaDaSemana]:[object.valor]});
    return temp;

let users = [
    { DiaDaSemana: 'segunda a sexta', valor: 'joaozinho' },
    { DiaDaSemana: 'sabados', valor: 'manuel' },
    { DiaDaSemana: 'segunda a sexta', valor: 'mariazinha' },
    { DiaDaSemana: 'sabados', valor: 'jose' }

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