Why doesn’t my Eps work?


Viewed 76 times


const alun = document.querySelector("#bottomaluno")

alun.addEventListener('click', addaluno)

function addaluno() { 

    if(display = 'none') { 
        document.querySelector("#alunos").style.display = 'block';
    } else{
        document.querySelector("#alunos").style.display = 'none';

3 answers


Because one equals signal is value assignment and not comparison, to be dfe comparison has to use 2 equals signals, so:

if(display == 'none') { 
  • even so does not work the only format that worked was with =, with two "==" of this error Uncaught Referenceerror: display is not defined at Htmlbuttonelement.addaluno (addfield.js:6)

  • @Peter that there is another error and is not equal to the code shown in the question.

  • is exactly the same code, when I use = it only works if, when I use either == or === of this undefined display error and it doesn’t work if or Else

  • Caro @Pedro a varivel display does not exist, is not part of the code quoted above, or else the code is simply all wrong.

  • then he’s all wrong :(


When using:

display = 'none'

you are setting the value 'None' to display, which will not work The correct would be to compare using:

display == 'none'

Still you would be comparing only the value, and not the type, so I would recommend using:

display === 'none'
  • even so does not work the only format that worked was with =, with two "==" or with three "===" of that error " Uncaught Referenceerror: display is not defined at Htmlbuttonelement.addaluno", ps did not change at all the code.


" = " attribution, " == " equality, " === " Strictly equal.

display == 'none'

  • even so does not work the only format that worked was with =, with two "==" or with three "===" of that error " Uncaught Referenceerror: display is not defined at Htmlbuttonelement.addaluno", ps did not change at all the code.

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