Guys I’m needing to run a for inside another for but I’m not getting it. I need to store the result value within a variable. I’m not familiar with python, I believe this is the biggest problem. Follow what I’ve been trying to store the result.
import math
perimeter = [18, 24, 14]
area = [24, 36, 10]
lista2 = []
for i in perimeter:
for x in area:
d = {}
d = print(((i/2)+math.sqrt((i/2))**2-4*x))/2))
lista2.append = (d)
Can anyone propose me a solution to the problem? Because I can’t reach the result.
There was an error in formatting the question yes, but the answer was great, I was able to solve the problem. I ended up realizing that I didn’t need one to go inside another, but only to use a zip for both lists. But I still have a problem with the variable calculation syntax. Using python I can write as follows: d = ((24/2)-Math.sqrt((24/2)**2-4*32))/2. print returns 4. But when I put it inside the for, it returns a Valueerror: Math Domain error. How to fix this error?
– Thallys Geovany
Thallys, in the variable there is the use of the function sqrt, that computes the square root. This error can happen when the parameter of this function is a negative number, which would return a domain error. Make a debug simple (can even print on the screen the value that is passed to the function sqrt) and make sure it happens. Take a look at this question: https://answall.com/questions/295455/math-domain-error-no-python
– João Victor Sierra