Problems with import and from/import command


Viewed 66 times


I have a problem with my show. When I type "from Math import sqrt (or anything else", the Math library is not recognized by pycharm. Follows the code:

from math import sqrt
n = int(input('Digite um número: '))
r = math.sqrt(n)
print('A raiz de {} é {}'.format(n, math.ceil(r)))

Maybe it’s a very simple problem. But I still can’t solve it.

2 answers


Hello, welcome(a) to the website!

In your code, you did not import the entire Math library, only Math.sqrt(). Soon, Math.Ceil() will not be available. To solve:

from math import sqrt, ceil


import math 

The first option is best by weighing less the program. The second matter thing you will not use.



You’re not importing the module math, but only the function sqrt directly.

To solve this you just need to change the line import of this:

from math import sqrt

For this:

import math

Now, if you want to use the functions without always adding the prefix math., you can import the functions sqrt and ceil in this way:

from math import sqrt, ceil

And in the corresponding lines, you would call the functions this way:

r = sqrt(n)
print('A raiz de {} é {}'.format(n, ceil(r)))

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