Dynamic Query in a List


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How to apply a filter to an object List generic using Lambda?

I know with Reflection i can get an array with the properties names of my object and through itself Reflection recover the property of the object from its name however do not know how to pass this array and compare the values of the properties within Lambda.

  • 3

    You already have some code ready to put in your question?

  • Maybe if you give an example of the application it would be easier to understand

3 answers


I made a little adaptation of How to: Use Expression Trees to Build Dynamic Queries (C# and Visual Basic.

To make it easier to understand, I’ll create the class Cliente.

public class Cliente {

    public string Nome { get; set;}
    public int RG { get; set;}
    public int CPF { get; set;}

    public Cliente () : this ("", 0, 0) { }

    public Cliente(string nome, int rg, int cpf) {
        this.Nome = nome;
        this.RG = rg;
        this.CPF = cpf;

    public override string ToString() {
        return Nome + "\t" + RG + "\t" + CPF + "\n";


After creating customers, I will make a filter to return those with Name equal to Mario or that has the CPF equal to 100, done this I will order them by RG, the expression would look like this:

clientes.Where(cliente => cliente.Nome == "Mario" || cliente.CPF == 100)
        .OrderBy(cliente => cliente.RG)

To create it dynamically, you can do it this way:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Program
    static void Main()
        // cria os clientes
        Cliente cliente1 = new Cliente("Mario", 963, 222);
        Cliente cliente2 = new Cliente("Carlos", 183, 444);
        Cliente cliente3 = new Cliente("Pedro", 722, 666);
        Cliente cliente4 = new Cliente("Mario", 737, 888);
        Cliente cliente5 = new Cliente("Maria", 159, 100);
        Cliente cliente6 = new Cliente("Carla", 194, 240);
        Cliente cliente7 = new Cliente("Mario", 10, 19);

        // adiciona os clientes em uma lista
        List<Cliente> listClientes = new List<Cliente>();

        // recupera o IQueryable da lista de clientes
        IQueryable<Cliente> queryableData = listClientes.AsQueryable<Cliente>();

        // cria o parâmetro a ser utilizado na consulta
        ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Cliente), "cliente");

        // expressão 'cliente.Nome == "Mario"'
        Expression column = Expression.Property(pe, typeof(Cliente).GetProperty("Nome"));
        Expression value = Expression.Constant("Mario");
        Expression expr = Expression.Equal(column, value);

        // expressão 'cliente.CPF == 100'
        column = Expression.Property(pe, typeof(Cliente).GetProperty("CPF"));
        value = Expression.Constant(100, typeof(int));
        Expression expr2 = Expression.Equal(column, value);

        // expressão '(cliente.Nome == "Mario" || cliente.CPF == 100)'
        Expression predicateBody = Expression.OrElse(expr, expr2);

        // expressão 'queryableData.Where(cliente => 
        // (cliente.Nome == "Mario" || cliente.CPF == 100))'
        MethodCallExpression whereCallExpression = Expression.Call(
            new Type[] { queryableData.ElementType },
            Expression.Lambda<Func<Cliente, bool>>(predicateBody, 
                                                   new ParameterExpression[] { pe }));

        // expressão 'cliente.RG'
        Expression expr3 = Expression.Property(pe, typeof(Cliente).GetProperty("RG")); 

        // expressão 'whereCallExpression.OrderBy(cliente => cliente.RG)'
        MethodCallExpression orderByCallExpression = Expression.Call(
            new Type[] { queryableData.ElementType, typeof(int) },
            Expression.Lambda<Func<Cliente, int>>(expr3, new ParameterExpression[] { pe }));

        // cria e executa a query
        IQueryable<Cliente> results = queryableData.Provider

        // imprime resultado
        foreach (Cliente cliente in results)


The result is:

Nome    RG      CPF
Mario   10      19
Maria   159     100
Mario   737     888
Mario   963     222

You can also create a generic method:

public static IQueryable<T> Find<T>(List<T> list, string column, object value, 
                                    string columnOrder)
    // recupera o IQueryable da lista
    IQueryable<T> queryable = list.AsQueryable<T>();

    // cria o parâmetro a ser utilizado na consulta
    ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "param");

    // expressão 'param.column == value'
    Expression columnExp = Expression.Property(pe, typeof(T).GetProperty(column));
    Expression valueExp = Expression.Constant(value);
    Expression expr = Expression.Equal(columnExp, valueExp);

    // expressão 'queryable.Where(param => param.column == value)'
    MethodCallExpression whereCallExpression = Expression.Call(
        new Type[] { queryable.ElementType },
        Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(expr, new ParameterExpression[] { pe }));

    // expressão 'param.columnOrder'
    Expression expr2 = Expression.Property(pe, typeof(T).GetProperty(columnOrder));

    // expressão 'whereCallExpression.OrderBy(param => param.columnOrder)'
    MethodCallExpression orderByCallExpression = Expression.Call(
        new Type[] { queryable.ElementType, expr2.Type },
        Expression.Lambda(expr2, new ParameterExpression[] { pe }));

    // cria e executa a query
    IQueryable<T> results = queryable.Provider.CreateQuery<T>(orderByCallExpression);

    return results;

To use it, enter the parameters as shown below:

IQueryable<Cliente> results = Find(listClientes, "Nome", "Mario", "CPF");

Resulting in:

Nome    RG  CPF
Mario   10  19
Mario   963 222
Mario   737 888

If you need to access more attributes of the object or call some method, you can do so:

// exemplo base, considerando que a classe Cliente possui o atributo Endereco,
// que por sua vez possui o atributo Logradouro, teríamos algo assim:
// param.Endereco.Logradouro.ToLower() == "avenida paulista"
// que pode ser feito conforme mostrado abaixo


// cria o parâmetro a ser utilizado na consulta
ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Cliente), "param");

// expressão 'param.Endereco'
Expression columnEndereco = Expression.Property(pe, typeof(Cliente).GetProperty("Endereco"));
// expressão 'param.Endereco.Logradouro'
Expression columnLogradouro = Expression.Property(columnEndereco, typeof(Endereco)
// expressão 'param.Endereco.Logradouro.ToLower()'
Expression columnToLower = Expression.Call(columnLogradouro, typeof(string).GetMethod("ToLower"));
Expression columnValue = Expression.Constant("avenida paulista");
// expressão 'param.Endereco.Logradouro.ToLower() == "avenida paulista"'
Expression expr = Expression.Equal(columnToLower, columnValue);


I believe that with this you have already managed to have a basis to do what you need.


Expression Members
How to a Compose a Linq Expression to call Orderby on a set of entities?
Generic Methods (C Programming Guide#)

  • This code of yours stops being what I am wanting, I will try to use it and return as soon as I can.

  • @Matthew This answer is perfect. Congratulations! I got a little lost trying to change it with . Tostring(). Contains(filter). Could you help me? Qq tip serves. Valew!


The intention of performing a dynamic query in List was to assemble a form that would display the List in a Datagridview and perform a query in all attributes of the List objects, and the List within the form could contain any object. The solution presented by Matthew proved viable, but when I presented it to the rest of the team we found some problems among them:

  • When an object has another object as an attribute;
  • It would not be possible to customize the query, e.g.: limit fields to attributes to be used.

After head-banging with the team for 2 hours I opted for the following approach: An interface called "Ilistaauxiliar" with a method called "Filtrarlista" that will be implemented by all classes that use the query form. This one will also have an attribute of the same interface. So when calling the form we pass the object (Application_bll for example) and call the Filtrarlista method without parameters to get the complete list. Then just save the search term typed by the user and filter again. Calls to the Filtralist method are not cumulative as they act on an unaltered list stored within the Apply object. Below is the interface and object code.

public class Aplicacao : Objeto_DTL
    private int _ID;
    public int ID
        get { return _ID; }
        set { _ID = value; }

    private string _Nome;
    public string Nome
        get { return _Nome; }
        set { _Nome = value; }

    private List<Versao> _versao;
    public List<Versao> Versao
        get { return _versao; }
        set { _versao = value; }

public interface IListaAuxiliar
    List<Object> FiltrarLista(string valor);

public class Aplicacao_BLL : IListaAuxiliar
    private List<Aplicacao> _lista;

    public List<Object> FiltrarLista(string valor)
        var lTemp = _lista.Cast<Object>().Where(
                x => (x as Aplicacao).ID.Value.ToString().Contains(valor)
                    || (x as Aplicacao).Nome.Value.ToString().Contains(valor)
                    || (x as Aplicacao).Descricao.Value.ToString().Contains(valor)
                    || (x as Aplicacao).Criacao.Value.ToString().Contains(valor)

        return lTemp.ToList();
  • You can also use object properties and call object methods, in the link I passed you have an example of this, then edit my answer only to complement!


Let me get this straight: do you want to filter a generic List (List) object using lambda? For example, given a list of numbers, return only the pairs; or else, given a list of objects of type Person, return only the elements where Person.Sex equals "F"? If so, you don’t need to Reflection, just use the Where method:

// Para List<Int32> filtrando somente os pares
lista.Where(x => x % 2 == 0).ToList()

// Para List<Pessoa> filtrando somente pessoas do sexo feminino.
lista.Where(x => x.Sexo == "F").ToList()
  • Not exactly because as you exemplified I have to know the object inside the List in project time, however the object inside the List can be changed. Ex: In a moment it will receive instances of people and other instances of products. The idea is to make a standard query screen in which I pass a List and it filters all properties from an informed template.

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