How to edit identation in Vscode (amount of space per Tab)


Viewed 183 times


I would like to know how I edit the amount of space that a TAB gives in Vscode.

My Vscode when I press the tab key, is giving 2 spaces instead of 1 (I think I accidentally pressed something and modified the settings, because before it gave only 1 space). I need him to give only 1 space when I hit the tab.

I thank anyone who can help.

A imagem abaixo mostra os 2 espaços que dá ao apertar tab somente 1x

  • It’s in the status bar at the bottom right corner

  • Friend, thank you so much for your help! I really didn’t know it was so simple.

1 answer


Go to File > Preferences > Settings

Then change the property "Tab size", is in the "Text Editor" tab or "Commonly Used", you can also, in the search bar of the window "Settings" type "Tab size".

The number is how many spaces Tab will have.

  • Thank you very much!

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