Formatting date field with jQuery Masked Input


Viewed 8,864 times


Expensive, I searched and tested in many ways how to format a date field in jQuery but it’s not working.

I’ve imported the jQuery Masked Input in the JSP:

                        + "/js/jquery/jquery.maskedinput-1.2.2.js")%>'>

My date field:

<td align="right">Data Inicial:</td>
<td class="form_text"><input type="text" name="dataInicial" id="dataInicial">

And function jQuery so:


Can someone tell me if I’m eating ball somewhere?

  • 1

    Try to simplify this way: jQuery("#dataInicial").mask("99/99/9999");

  • It worked dude!!!!!!! Thank you very much Oeslei.......

  • Have you checked if the script is actually being imported ?

2 answers


What happens is that you do not receive the jQuery object in the variable $, because its value is coming as a parameter by the function and not directly from the object window as usual. Using jQuery directly solves the problem:


Or, pass jQuery as a parameter to the function:

(function($) {
  • Without wanting to abuse, how would be the validation to check if the field was filled correctly using also jQuery?

  • There are several ways. You can do validation by hand or use a plugin. It’s not so easy, but it’s also not difficult. Internet content is not lacking. You can even search for validation plugins on the jquery website itself =)


I’m using the mask in the contact of my platform here. I did the test by adding your input and with the script below, I ran it regularly on localhost.

I tried to put the example in JSFIDDLE, but I had problems with external references.

$(document).ready(function () {

If it doesn’t work, check the import order of the script and jQuery, and via Chrome view the imported elements. For this, follow the following instructions: Press F12 > Click Network > Refresh Page

Anything not found will turn red.

Also you can check the lack of script integrity via Console. For this, press F12 and then ESC.

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