How to redirect to another page, using the query that went to the previous page?


Viewed 64 times


I’m with an application that when the person registers, he plays to a page and after 3.5s he redirects to the other page, but I wanted him to redirect with the query I need, to already appear the registered person.

Code of the party that redirects to the successful registration page:

const db = await Database
    await createProffy(db, { proffyValue, classValue, classScheduleValues })

    let queryString = "?subject=" + req.body.subject
    queryString += "&weekday=" + req.body.weekday[0]
    queryString += "&time=" + req.body.time_from[0]

    return res.redirect('/success-proffy' + queryString)

The page comes with that query up there, as below:

print da primeira tela de sucesso

After 3.5 seconds it redirects to the Study page:

    setTimeout(() => {
      location.href = '/study'
    }, 3500)

I need the query to go to that Study page too, just like it was for success.

NOTE: this setTimeOut is directly in the HTML of the successful page!!

2 answers


You can use the

If the current url is: should return: ?subject=FOO&weekday=1&time=32132132

    setTimeout(() => {
        location.href = '/study' +
    }, 3500)
  • 1

    Thank you very much, Lucas, it worked perfectly, you’re wild!!

  • just don’t forget to mark the question as answered


There is no way you can do any operation by the server after the res have been sent. The solution is only by the same browser

    setTimeout(() => {
      location.href = `/study${}`
    }, 3500)

EDIT: this operation is safer with the search that the colleague quoted, since if there is no querystring returns "" as opposed to Slice -1

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