Pointers in Go


Viewed 68 times


I’m trying to change a String in Go using pointers, but I get one

invalid operation: oculta[i] (type *string does not support indexing)

The function I’m performing the change.

func verifica(palavra, chute string, oculta *string) {
    for i, l := range palavra {
        if string(l) == chute {
            *oculta[i] = chute

1 answer


about string: go strings are imutaveis, that is taking specific methods for the string type it n can be modified, unless something is assigned to it altogether

pointers: to avoid ambiguities the way to access a pointer with the use of indices is (*ptr)[i]

by which I understood the code, you want to assign the letter of the kick in the occult, as you cannot manipulate the input of the string directly to assign (to access in a print for example, can), that aq would be a solution to what I believe is the purpose of this function

func verifica(palavra, chute string, nome *string) {
    for _, l := range palavra {
        if string(l) == chute {
            *nome = *nome + chute
        } else {
            *nome = *nome + "_"

to use indices the solution I think would be to use Slice byte(byte is kind of golang char)

func verifica(palavra, chute string, nome []byte) {
    for i, l := range palavra {
        if string(l) == chute {
            nome[i] = byte(chute[0])
        } else {
            nome[i] = byte("_"[0])

Slice is a pointer, so n needs to receive with *and nor command with &, the only thing is that before sending it he has to create it the size he will use, before this function is called

nome := make([]byte, len(palavra))

of to use Slice with append tb

  • 4

    Just to complement, byte is unsuitable for storing characters, as it has only 8 bits of accuracy, which is not enough to store Unicod characters that require 32 bits, such as emojis or Kanji for example. Prefer the type rune for such cases.

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