How can I get my script to act in a pipeline
ls|./meuScript|grep 'Mensagem Qualquer'
what './meuScript' has to have to act as a filter ?
How can I get my script to act in a pipeline
ls|./meuScript|grep 'Mensagem Qualquer'
what './meuScript' has to have to act as a filter ?
Just have your script use commands that read the default input and write to the default output.
We have the script abc-lines.sh
grep abc | wc -l
We can use it in this command:
$ echo -e 'abcd\nefgh\n123abc\nxabcy\nzzz' | \
./abc-lines.sh | \
sed -r 's/(.*)/[\1]/'
...and the result will be: [3]
This is because the default input of your script commands will be the default input of your script (unless the command is after a pipe, such as wc
example). The same goes for functions.
If you need to capture the standard input for more elaborate manipulations you can use the read
. Example:
while read LINE
echo "I read $LINE"
# alguma mágica aqui
Anything you print, be with echo
or any other command, may be used by another script in the sequence of user-made Pipes.
Warning: There are two STDOUT and STDERR outputs. The pipe will transmit to STDOUT.
If you want to send the output of a command to STDERR to escape the PIPE, do:
echo "mensagem de erro" >&2
If you want to merge STDERR with STDOUT to pipette both of you, do:
ls /nowhere 2>&1 | grep something
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was getting beat up on account of not knowing the detail of
read LINE
thank you very much.– le314u
however when I put read LINE and will use the program outside a pipe it hangs
– le314u
It is not locked, is expecting input. It will read what you type. ;-)
– Aurium
That’s exactly what I meant, ( the lock was in the sense of stopping processing and waiting for user input) , I solved this problem by checking the descriptors files if [ -t 0 ]; then ... that checks if the file associated with the file descriptor ends in the terminal window.
– le314u