How to use DTO in ASP.NET CORE + DDD


Viewed 1,375 times


I am assembling an application following the DDD standards. I would like to know how to properly use the Data Transfer Object - DTO standard.

With the little I’ve read, I’ve come to the conclusion: I am using Viewmodel (an entity representation to be used in the View), so I need to convert this Viewmodel to DTO to transmit to the other layers. Coming to the domain, I need to convert again from DTO to entity and send the entity to the repository (persistence). The reverse path is also necessary in the case of consultation.

The question is: Can I have a constructor in Viewmodel that receives a DTO and create a Viewmodel from it? And in DTO a constructor that creates a DTO from a Viewmodel? The same for the entity.

For example:

public Class UsuarioViewModel{

    public string Nome {get; set;}
    public string EMail {get; set;}
    public string Senha {get; set;}

    public UsuarioViewModel(){


    public UsuarioViewModel(UsuarioDTO _usuariodto){
        Nome = _usuariodto.Nome,
        EMail = _usuariodto.EMail,
        Senha = _usuariodto.Senha


public Clas UsuarioDTO{

    public string Nome {get; set;}
    public string EMail {get; set;}
    public string Senha {get; set;}

    public UsuarioDTO(){

    public UsuarioDTO(UsuarioViewModel _usuariovm){
        Nome = _usuariovm.Nome,
        EMail = _usuariovm.EMail,
        Senha = _usuariovm.Senha

    public UsuarioDTO(Usuario _usuario){
        Nome = _usuario.Nome,
        EMail = _usuario.EMail,
        Senha = _usuario.Senha

public Clas Usuario{

public string Nome {get; set;}
public string EMail {get; set;}
public string Senha {get; set;}

public Usuario(){

public UsuarioDTO(UsuarioDTO _usuarioDTO){
    Nome = _usuarioDTO.Nome,
    EMail = _usuarioDTO.EMail,
    Senha = _usuarioDTO.Senha


// Controller
_serviceApp.Add(new UsuarioDTO(usuarioVM));

_service.Add(new Usuario(usuarioDTO));

_repositorio.add(Usuario usuario);

I can work that way?

  • 1

    Of a deal here, It may help. I think(Opinion), that in most cases, MVVM already solves 90% of cases. As Renan said in his reply "I see no need of DTO unless you make many remote calls to recover lots of data"

  • @Diego Rafael Souza Thank you for the Reply! Legal, use DTO in more complex situations... Now, in relation to MVVM it would be something like: public void Add(Clientevm) { var client = new Client() { Client = vm.Client, Name = vm.Name, CPF = vm.CPF, }; _client Add(client); } Simply convert from Viewmodel to Entity and Vice and Versa? If not so, could you give me an example?

  • @Barbetta Thank you too!

  • @Diegorafaelsouza if I understand correctly, you are doubtful about passing the data from ViewModel to the Model, correct, maybe this one reply and that another answer help you.

2 answers


Buddy, good afternoon

The use of DTO with vision models (Viewmodel) is possible, however in my opinion is more suitable in cases where you use a Viewmodel that integrates from various Dtos.

For, Viewmodels are usually composed of one or more objects, in this case the DTO(s), plus the properties you want to add.


A more reasonable option would be to "map" properties of a DTO with properties of a Viewmodel, untying any dependency from one to the other. There are tools that can help you with this, such as the "Automapper" library, which you can easily find in Nuget. It reads the property names of a class (through Reflection) and assigns the values to an instance of another property class with similar names. For example:

//Cria uma intância de UsuarioDTO, com os valores contidos no objeto "usuarioViewModel"    
var dto = Mapper.Map<UsuarioDTO>(usuarioViewModel); 

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