JS/Vue CPF validator


Viewed 687 times


I’m trying to use a function to validate CPF and at the end of it call the function that checks whether the field is required and numerical.

If I call only the function forgotmain, all goes well, but does not validate the CPF. I am using v-btn @click.prevent="validarCPF()" in HTML to call functions.

methods: {
    forgotmain() {
      if (!this.$v.$invalid) {
      } else {
    validarCPF(inputCPF) {
      var soma = 0;
      var i;
      var resto;
      var inputCPF = document.getElementById("cpf").value;

      if (inputCPF == "00000000000") return false;
      for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
        soma = soma + parseInt(inputCPF.substring(i - 1, i)) * (11 - i);
      resto = (soma * 10) % 11;

      if (resto == 10 || resto == 11) resto = 0;
      if (resto != parseInt(inputCPF.substring(9, 10))) return false;

      soma = 0;
      for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
        soma = soma + parseInt(inputCPF.substring(i - 1, i)) * (12 - i);
      resto = (soma * 10) % 11;

      if (resto == 10 || resto == 11) resto = 0;
      if (resto != parseInt(inputCPF.substring(10, 11))) return false;
      return true;


1 answer


At the end of your function, you are calling forgotMain as follows


change to:


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