Average between dates


Viewed 70 times


I’m learning SQL and I still have a lot to learn, but I’m trying to generate a report and I found some difficulties. I made that first consultation:

/* Aqui estou selecionando as colunas e gerando a média entre a data de entrada e saído da tramitação */
SELECT PPRO.cod_proposicao_tipo AS "ID do Subassunto"
    , PPRO.pro_processo AS "Número do Processo"
    , PPRO.pro_ano AS "Ano"
    , PPF.prf_estagio AS "Estágio"
    , PPT.prt_nome AS "Subassunto"
    , PPFA.fas_nome AS "Atividade"
    , DATEDIFF(MINUTE,PPF.prf_data_chegada,PPF.prf_data_saida) AS "Tempo Gasto em Minutos"
/* Aqui estou selecionando as tabelas e seus relacionamentos */
    FROM prl_proposicoes AS PPRO
        INNER JOIN pro_proposicoes_fases AS PPF 
            ON  PPRO.cod_proposicao = PPF.cod_proposicao
        LEFT JOIN prl_proposicoes_situacoes AS PPS 
            ON PPRO.cod_proposicao_situacao = PPS.cod_proposicao_situacao
        INNER JOIN prl_proposicoes_tipos AS PPT 
            ON PPRO.cod_proposicao_tipo = PPT.cod_proposicao_tipo
        INNER JOIN prl_proposicoes_tipos_grandes AS PPTG 
            ON PPT.cod_proposicao_tipo_grande = PPTG.cod_proposicao_tipo_grande            
        INNER JOIN prl_fases AS PPFA 
           ON PPF.cod_fase_entrada = PPFA.cod_fase
       INNER JOIN prl_setores 
           ON PPF.cod_setor_despacho = prl_setores.cod_setor
/* Aqui estou colocanco as condições da consulta */
    WHERE PPRO.pro_ano = '2020' 
        AND PPT.prt_area = 'ELE'
        AND PPRO.pro_processo = '353'
        AND PPRO.cod_proposicao_tipo = '1844010'
/* Aqui estou ordenando as atividades */
    ORDER BY PPF.prf_estagio DESC

That returned me this result:

Tela 01

From the above result you need to generate the average time spent by "Atividade", then I made the following consultation:

WITH Consulta
AS (SELECT PPT.prt_area AS "Área", PPRO.cod_proposicao_tipo AS "ID do Subassunto"
    , PPRO.pro_processo AS "Número do Processo", PPRO.pro_ano AS "Ano"
    , PPF.prf_estagio AS "Estágio", PPT.prt_nome AS "Subassunto"
    , PPFA.fas_nome AS "Atividade", DATEDIFF(MINUTE,PPF.prf_data_chegada,PPF.prf_data_saida) AS "Tempo"
    FROM prl_proposicoes AS PPRO
        INNER JOIN pro_proposicoes_fases AS PPF 
            ON  PPRO.cod_proposicao = PPF.cod_proposicao
        LEFT JOIN prl_proposicoes_situacoes AS PPS 
            ON PPRO.cod_proposicao_situacao = PPS.cod_proposicao_situacao
        INNER JOIN prl_proposicoes_tipos AS PPT 
            ON PPRO.cod_proposicao_tipo = PPT.cod_proposicao_tipo
        INNER JOIN prl_proposicoes_tipos_grandes AS PPTG 
            ON PPT.cod_proposicao_tipo_grande = PPTG.cod_proposicao_tipo_grande            
        INNER JOIN prl_fases AS PPFA 
           ON PPF.cod_fase_entrada = PPFA.cod_fase
       INNER JOIN prl_setores 
           ON PPF.cod_setor_despacho = prl_setores.cod_setor
    WHERE PPRO.pro_ano = '2020' 
        AND PPT.prt_area = 'ELE'
        AND PPRO.cod_proposicao_tipo = '1844010')
SELECT Consulta.Atividade, AVG(Consulta.Tempo)
FROM Consulta
WHERE Consulta.[ID do Subassunto] = '1844010'
    AND Consulta.Área = 'ELE'
    AND Consulta.Estágio = '2'
GROUP BY Consulta.Atividade
ORDER BY Consulta.Estágio

But it is returning error, as print:

Tela de Erro

  • 1

    What is the meaning of this ORDER BY Consulta.Estágio if you put AND Consulta.Estágio = '2' in its WHERE clause?

  • The AND Query.Stage = '2' can disregard, it was a condition that was testing, but the ORDER BY Query.Stage is to sort by Stage/Stages of the process, but can be removed as well. But what I want is a query where I take the Subsurface (Process Type) with its respective Activities, to extract the average time spent of all processes finding which activity is consuming the most time

  • Note that in the query I generated was only for a specific process (nº 353 of Unpaid Leave) but the idea is to generate of all the process of "Unpaid Leave" and find the average of the activity that is consuming more time and that is consuming less time.

  • In the article Data analysis with SQL: averages you can find ways to calculate averages using window functions: -> https://portosql.wordpress.com/2020/10/16/parses_sql-medias

1 answer


WITH Consulta
AS (SELECT PPT.prt_area AS "Área"
         , PPRO.cod_proposicao_tipo AS "ID do Subassunto"
         , PPRO.pro_processo AS "Número do Processo"
         , PPRO.pro_ano AS "Ano"
         , PPF.prf_estagio AS "Estágio"
         , PPT.prt_nome AS "Subassunto"
         , PPFA.fas_nome AS "Atividade" 
         , DATEDIFF(MINUTE, PPF.prf_data_chegada, PPF.prf_data_saida) AS "Tempo"
    FROM prl_proposicoes AS PPRO
    INNER JOIN pro_proposicoes_fases AS PPF 
        ON PPRO.cod_proposicao = PPF.cod_proposicao
    LEFT JOIN prl_proposicoes_situacoes AS PPS 
        ON PPRO.cod_proposicao_situacao = PPS.cod_proposicao_situacao
    INNER JOIN prl_proposicoes_tipos AS PPT 
        ON PPRO.cod_proposicao_tipo = PPT.cod_proposicao_tipo
    INNER JOIN prl_proposicoes_tipos_grandes AS PPTG 
        ON PPT.cod_proposicao_tipo_grande = PPTG.cod_proposicao_tipo_grande            
    INNER JOIN prl_fases AS PPFA 
        ON PPF.cod_fase_entrada = PPFA.cod_fase
    INNER JOIN prl_setores 
        ON PPF.cod_setor_despacho = prl_setores.cod_setor
    WHERE PPRO.pro_ano = '2020' 
    --AND PPT.prt_area = 'ELE'
    --AND PPRO.cod_proposicao_tipo = '1844010'
SELECT Consulta.Atividade
--     , Consulta.Estágio
     , MIN(Consulta.Tempo) tempo_minimo
     , AVG(Consulta.Tempo) tempo_medio
     , MAX(Consulta.Tempo) tempo_maximo
FROM Consulta
WHERE Consulta.[ID do Subassunto] = '1844010'
AND Consulta.Área = 'ELE'
--AND Consulta.Estágio = '2'
GROUP BY Consulta.Atividade
--       , Consulta.Estágio
--ORDER BY Consulta.Estágio
  • Thank you Marcelo, but would you be able to include Subassunto’s column? Because the Subsurface is the type of process and each Subsurface has its specific activities, if you could enter the Subsurface would be better to generate the report. The result would look something like this: SUBSURFACE | ACTIVITY | MINIMUM TIME | AVERAGE TIME | MAXIMUM TIME License Protocol 0 1 2 License Analyze 3 5 9

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