I’m learning JS and was testing functions and have a doubt


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I was testing Function and wanted to make it detect ! of a message:

//Detector de !
function detector(){
    var detector = txt.indexOf("!")
        return true
//reponder a mensagem
function msg(){
        return "true"
        return "false"

and had idea to create a Function that would run both:

function messenger(txt){
    return msg();

colloquial Function([message]) and should answer true or false but n worked,ent I thought it was some syntax error something like:

function messenger(x){
    var txt = x 

placed console log. to see if the Function, apparently ss, but the var txt was not working, only it works when I declare the variable out:

var txt = "!teste"

I wonder why it doesn’t work when I put Function("! test") and if there’s a way to make it look good. Thank you :>

  • javascript uses lexical context, the txt variable has to exist at the moment that vc declares the detector function... I think the best approach there is to send txt as argument of the detector function

  • @guijob but the txt of messenger(txt) is not considered a variable?

  • Yes, but where you define the function is what counts, not where you call.. in messenser vc calls the detector function... javascript will look for txt in the context of where you defined the function and not in the context you called it

  • @guijob ah entendi vlw

2 answers


It makes no sense the existence of the function algorithm messenger().

  • messenger() is dependent on the external variable txt.
  • The first use of the function detector() is harmless in no way affecting the data flow.
  • The function msg() makes a more rational use of function detector() and only this should be maintained.

It’s better to work existing algorithms than create something new based on a collection of problems.

Analyzing the detector function:

function detector(){
    var detector = txt.indexOf("!")
        return true

The first change will be the creation of a parameter texto making the function independent of external variable:

function detector(texto){
    var detector = texto.indexOf("!")
        return true

Looking carefully at the sentence:

     return true

It is a redundancy allied to an indefinition. This sentence says to return true if the variable detector be true, but if it is not true the return is undefined. So to remove the redundancy together with the undefined just do:

function detector(){
    var detector = txt.indexOf("!")
    return detector  > -1; //Sempre sera retornado o valor da comparação independente de teste prévio.

Speaking of redundancy you have declared a variable with the same name as the function and this is a serious mistake because it prevents you from performing recursions and corrections. So it fits the simplification:

function detector(texto) {
  return texto.indexOf("!") > -1;

The same goes for the function msg() it is possible to break with the dependence on external variables:

function msg(texto){
        return "true"
        return "false"

At the same time you remove the redundancies, and for that I used the native method Boolean.prototype.toString() that returns a string representing the specific Boolean object:

function msg(texto) {
  return detector(texto).toString();

Putting it all together:

//Detector de !
function detector(texto) {
  return texto.indexOf("!") > -1;

//reponder a mensagem
function msg(texto) {
  return detector(texto).toString();

console.log(msg("teste 1 !"));
console.log(msg("teste 2  "));

Without the need for a third function.


When you set the detector function:

function detector(){
    var detector = txt.indexOf("!")
        return true

txt already has to exist in the scope of this function. Where you will call this function does not matter pro Javascript, what matters is where you define.

So, you can create the variable in a "parent scope" (I don’t even know if there is such a word):

var txt = "";
function detector(){
    var detector = txt.indexOf("!")
        return true

Or set in the function parameters and send its value as argument when calling the function:

function detector(txt){
    var detector = txt.indexOf("!")
        return true

That’s how javascript works, and that’s called lexical scope.

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