differentiate between upper and lower case letters


Viewed 74 times


I’m performing database query, but I would like to differentiate the uppercase letters from lowercase, because the way it is if I type test and value that is in the bank for Testing I get nothing in my query, some way to do this with Linq?

Man controler

public ActionResult Index(int? pagina, string consulta)
    int paginaTamanho = 10;
    int paginaNumero = (pagina ?? 1);
    var dados = db.Ramais.ToList();
    return View(dados.ToPagedList(paginaNumero, paginaTamanho));
  • What is your database and which version of the Entity framework is your project?

1 answer


you’ve tried it here ?


Or if you prefer to ignore lower case

ex: var texto.Equals("Minha string", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)

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