How to use summarise?


Viewed 116 times


I have a DF with energy data and would like to group the data by activity (because they are divided by state and I want to do the aggregate for Brazil) and add these data for each date. I was trying to use the group_by with the summarise, however, it is not returning the way I would like.



CCEE <- read_excel("Dados/Consumo de energia.xlsx", sheet = "CCEE")

colnames(CCEE) <- c("data", "classe", "atividade", "submercado", "UF", "unidade", "value")

CCEE <- CCEE %>%
  mutate(atividade = str_to_title(atividade),
         data = as_date(data)) %>%
  filter(classe == "Consumidor Livre") %>%
  select(-c(unidade, submercado, classe)) %>%
  group_by(data, atividade) %>%
  summarise(value = round(sum(value), 2)) %>%
  arrange(atividade, data)

With the code this way, it returns the following error:

# Error in order(atividade, data) : objeto 'atividade' não encontrado

If I remove the arrange, returns the sum of all values, thus:

#    value
#1 8832167

I would like the data to stay that way, with the sum per activity for each of the dates:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The data is downloaded in csv and I had to turn them into excel, but I have tested with the data in format csv and returned the same error.

My dput:

dput <- structure(list(Data = structure(c(1533081600, 1533081600, 1533081600, 
                                          1533081600, 1533081600, 1533081600), tzone = "UTC", class = c("POSIXct", "POSIXt")), 
                       Classe = c("Autoprodutor", "Autoprodutor", "Autoprodutor", "Autoprodutor", "Autoprodutor", "Autoprodutor"), 
                       `Ramo de atividade` = c("ALIMENTÍCIOS",  "ALIMENTÍCIOS", "ALIMENTÍCIOS", "ALIMENTÍCIOS", "ALIMENTÍCIOS", "COMÉRCIO"), 
                       Submercado = c("NORDESTE", "SUDESTE / CENTRO-OESTE", "SUDESTE / CENTRO-OESTE", "SUL", "SUL", "SUDESTE / CENTRO-OESTE"), 
                       Estado = c("Pernambuco ", "Minas Gerais", "Mato Grosso", "Santa Catarina", "Rio Grande do Sul", "São Paulo"), 
                       `"Consumo (MWm)"` = c("Consumo (MWm)", "Consumo (MWm)", "Consumo (MWm)", "Consumo (MWm)", "Consumo (MWm)", "Consumo (MWm)"), 
                       `Consumo (MWm)` = c(0.24033975, 0, 0.908708333, 3.044405, 1.443036542, 0.16408)), 
                  .Names = c("Data", "Classe", "Ramo de atividade", "Submercado", "Estado", "\"Consumo (MWm)\"", "Consumo (MWm)"), 
                  row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"))
  • Without running the code you can’t be sure, but you overwrite the variable, did you not run it after you first changed it? It looks like this. I recommend running all the lines together. I think it will work

  • I don’t quite understand how to run all the lines together, can you explain it better? Thank you!

  • Wheel the pipe, right after reading the data. The impression you get is that you ran the pipe twice in a row

  • Ah! I’ve done it several times. the pipe nor runs due to the error of arrange. Like I said, if I withdraw the arrange, There he sums up all the values and it’s not what I’d like.

  • You can take off the arrange... but run the pipe only once after reading

  • In fact, the way to ensure whether or not the problem is changing the name of the variable created by pipe to, for example,, CCEE2

  • I closed the R and opened again, renamed the output variable to teste and the same problem occurred of summing all the values and retouching a DF with a line.

  • 2

    Edit question with output from dput(head(CCEE, 30)) is better than a link. There are many users who do not like to download data and in my case it is not even working and I will not try to find out why.

  • Here all normal. I’ll put the case on a reprex as a response. Then I remove

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1 answer


Test this:

# glimpse(CCEE)
CCEE <- CCEE %>%
  dplyr::mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(atividade = stringr::str_to_title(atividade),
                data = lubridate::as_date(data),
                value = as.numeric(value)) %>%
  # dplyr::filter(classe == "Consumidor Livre") %>% 
  # No df disponibilizado nao ha o fator "Consumidor Livre" para `classe`
  dplyr::select(-c(unidade, submercado, classe)) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(data, atividade) %>% 
  dplyr::group_by(data, atividade) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(value = round(sum(value), 2)) %>% 

Notice that you had some columns that should be factors (as.factor). The function glimpse can help you for situations like this by elucidating the class of your variables.

I also changed a little the order of events, passing the arrange to a stage prior to the group_by.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Here returned a DF with the sum of all the values in the same way I asked the question.

  • 1

    See in the image that there is the grouping by date. Sends your df with more date and distinct classes, it may be possible to adjust.

  • 1

    Thanks for the solutions, reinstalled the R and the dplyr and it worked! I believe it must have been some corrupted file inside the package.

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