Upload file (image), with PHP to send to AWS S3


Viewed 58 times


Currently I have a script that I get the image from a post like this:

$amazonS3 = new AmazonAwsS3;
$amazonS3->uploadFile($_FILES['anexo']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['anexo']['name'], "sig/$class/$idAmdamento");

but instead of me taking this file from a POST, I now need to take the file inside a directory and upload it to the amazonS3, but I’m not able to do it. tried to read with file(), readfile(), file_get_content() ex: $arquivo = readfile('../arquivos/chamados/anexo_1377633937.jpg'); but the array comes empty.... in this case I can download the image, but I can’t read the image and store it in the PHP temp to send it to another location

header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
        header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
        header ('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$a->getArquivoNome().';');
        header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
        header('Expires: 0');
        header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
        header('Pragma: public');
        header ('Content-Length: '.filesize('../arquivos/chamados/'.$a->getArquivo()));

someone can help me? :)

1 answer


$amazonS3 = new AmazonAwsS3;
$directory = '/path/to/my/directory';
$scanned_directory = array_diff(scandir($directory), array('..', '.'));
foreach($scanned_directory as $f){
    $amazonS3->uploadFile($directory.$f, $directory.$f, "sig/$class/$idAmdamento");
    // se for colocar o exclui file cria o unlink
    // @unlink($directory.$f);

In fact, you will only get the NAME OF THE SOURCE FILE AND FILE NAME AT DESTINATION not necessarily need to pass a pointer to the record and yes filenames

  • Man, thank you so much, I know the formulation of my question was not good, but you took the time to answer it and helped me very much, thank you.

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