Add elements of the first matrix to those of the second matrix in Python


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There are two matrices with 5 rows and 3 columns, how do I accomplish the sum of the elements of the first matrix and the elements of the second matrix.

For example:

-- 1a matriz --
02 04 06 
08 10 12
14 16 18
20 22 24
26 28 30

-- 2a matriz --
01 03 05
07 09 11
13 15 17
19 21 23
25 27 29

-- Saída --
03 07 11 
15 19 23
27 31 35
39 43 47
51 55 39
Por enquanto meu código está assim, sem a parte que somas os elementos das 
linha = 0
coluna = 0

# -------- Matriz 1 --------
mat1A = input().split()
mat1B = input().split()
mat1C = input().split()
mat1D = input().split()
mat1E = input().split() 
# -------- Matriz 2 --------
mat2A = input().split()
mat2B = input().split()
mat2C = input().split()
mat2D = input().split()
mat2E = input().split()

mat3 = [mat1A, mat1B, mat1C, mat1D, mat1E,

for linha in range(len(mat3)):
    for coluna in range(len(mat3[i])):
        print (mat3[linha][coluna], end = "\t")
  • As I said in my answer to your other matrix question, you can use numpy. After reading the matrices mat1 and mat2 as a numpy.narray, just do mat1 + mat2.

  • I’m still not familiar with library numpy (nor my teacher kkk)

2 answers


First, create two auxiliary constants to know how many rows and how many columns the matrices will have. (This step is not necessary, but makes the code easier to understand)


Once done, read both matrices, converting the values to int in accordance with I’ve already shown you in another answer.

mat1 = []

for i in range(LINHAS):
    mat1.append([int(x) for x in input().split()])

mat2 = []

for i in range(LINHAS):
    mat2.append([int(x) for x in input().split()])

Now just iterate through both matrices, adding up the elements and printing on the screen.

for i in range(LINHAS):
    for j in range(COLUNAS):
        valor_soma = mat1[i][j] + mat2[i][j]
        print('{0:02d} '.format(valor_soma), end='')

Additional reading (it is important to read the documentation!):

  • explain to me better {0:02d}, although I know it’s part of format

  • @Alexf. The first 0 indicates that there will enter the first parameter passed to function format. The 02d indicates that the parameter is an integer (d) which must occupy 2 digits (2) and that the digit on the left should be a "0" case over space (0).

  • I understand your explanation


I did it that way:

Credits: Introduction to Computer Science Python USP/Coursera By Fabio Kon

Sum of matrices

def cria_matriz(n_linhas, n_colunas, valor):
matriz = [] # Lista Vazia para matriz
for x in range(n_linhas):
    #Cria a linha x
    linha = [] # lista vazia para linhas
    for y in range(n_colunas):

    # Adiciona linha à matriz
return matriz    

def soma_matrizes(m1, m2):
num_lin = len(m1)
num_col = len(m1[0])

num_linB = len(m2) # Verifica quantidade de linhas
num_colB= len(m2[0]) # Verifica quantidade de colunas
if num_lin == num_linB and num_col == num_colB:

    C = cria_matriz(num_lin, num_col, 0) # Chama A função cria_matriz

    for lin in range(num_lin): # Percorre linhas da matriz
        for col in range(num_col): # Percorre colunas da matriz
            C[lin][col] = m1[lin][col] + m2[lin][col]
    return C
    return False

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