id: 1,
summary: "Amanhã 3444" ,
text: 'teste local notification ',
smallIcon: "res://icone_in",
title: "aaaa 3",
led: 'FF0000',
sound: null
doesn’t work
id: 1,
summary: "Amanhã 3444" ,
text: 'teste local notification ',
smallIcon: "res://icone_in",
title: "aaaa 3",
trigger: {at: new Date(new Date().getTime() + 10000)},
led: 'FF0000',
sound: null
I’m using
import { LocalNotifications } from '@ionic-native/local-notifications/';
Thank you
You know when time is
new Date(new Date().getTime() + 10000)
? By the account, it would be 10 seconds in the future, you waited the 10 seconds with the app open?– Guilherme Nascimento
Yes I left well more I did tests when I add no time
– Erick Magalhaes