* Referenceerror: Session is not defined *


Viewed 111 times


I’m having a problem, sharing the Express cookie user data and session functions! the goal is to store such data in my Socket.IO, but it presents a reference error problem where it says the session is not set. I have little knowledge about it, I would like to know how and where I will name this session?

Excerpt from the code where the error points : const currentSession = Session[sessionid]

//Verificado de regra
io.use((socket,next) =>{
    const cookieData = socket.request.headers.cookie;
    const cookieObj = cookie.parse(cookieData);//Gera um objeto com dados do cookie
    const  sessionHash = cookieObj[config.sessionKey] ||'';// Acessa o hash da sessão 
    const sessionID = sessionHash.split('.')[0].slice(2);
        const currentSession = session[sessionID]; // referenciar a sessão ID
        if( err|| !currentSession){
            return next(new Error('Acesso Negado!'));
        socket.handshake.session = currentSession;
        return next();

1 answer


tries to put Sessions instead of Session, Sessions is being passed as parameter

      const currentSession = sessions[sessionID]; // referenciar a sessão ID
  • My God! What a shame, that was it kkkkkkk Sorry, it was worth obg!

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