Print "n" natural odd numbers


Viewed 15,010 times


I’m solving an exercise that asks me to enter a value for example: 5 and print the first 5 natural odd numbers in the case:


Enter the value of n: 5

  • 1
  • 3
  • 5
  • 7
  • 9

The code I wrote works but it does not seem to me the best logic for solving it. Would anyone know any other "simple" solution because I’m still learning

n = int(input("Digite o valor de n: "))

i = 1

while i <= (n+n):
if i % 2 != 0:
    i += 1
    i += 1

7 answers


A very simple alternative would be with the function range(start, stop, step)

  • Start: initial sequence number.
  • Stop: up to this number, but does not include it in the sequence.
  • Step: difference between each number in the sequence.

    n = int(input("Digite o valor de n: "))
    for i in range(1, n+n, 2):


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Thanks bro @Mathias


I was able to understand and apply with another logic without having to add n+n, in case it would look this way:

n = int(input("Digite o valor de n: "))

i = 0
ímpar = 1

while i < n: 
  i = i + 1
  ímpar = ímpar + 2


It is also possible to solve the problem without using any iteration loop type, just unpacking the values of the sequence, generated with range(), using the operator * and passing them as arguments to function print().

In the example separator, parameter sep, will be a character newline:

n = int(input("Digite o valor de n: "))
print(*range(1, 2*n, 2), sep="\n")


Digite o valor de n: 5

Another approach manipulating the arguments of print() can be obtained by combining the function of the odd natural numbers f(x) = 2x + 1 | x N within a list comprehension

n = int(input("Digite o valor de n: "))
print(*[2*x+1 for x in range(n)], sep="\n")


Just to record another alternative (and I admit that maybe it’s a half Overkill, since the other solutions with range are simpler), you can use the module itertools:

from itertools import islice, count

n = int(input("Digite o valor de n: "))
for i in islice(count(1, 2), n):

First, count(1, 2) returns an iterator starting at 1, skipping 2 by 2 (thus, I guarantee it only has odd numbers, and always starting from the 1). Coming up next, islice receives this iterator and picks up the first ones n elements of it.

The result is the first n odd numbers.

  • 1

    You can also do it using repeat for i in repeat(count(1, 2), 5): print(next(i)).


I did so in Python, which includes the last number if it is odd.

num = int(input("Digite um número inteiro: "))

for num in range(1, num+1, 2):



To get the 5 first odd numbers:

    n = int(input("Digite o valor de n:"))

    # Inicializações
    i = 0 # Contador
    r = 1 # Resultado

    # Imprima os números ímpares
    while i < n:
       i += 1
       r += 2


You can use the for cycle, which I like very much:

printf("Digite o numero");
int k = scanf(&k);

for(int x = 0; x < k; k++){
if(k%2 != 0){
printf("%i\n", k);
} // end if
} // end for
  • 3

    Please stick to all information of the question before answering. Python language help has been requested, so its response does not meet the needs.

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