I’m developing a single page where I can edit a user’s data, but I had problems developing with Formik, I didn’t have much choice, since it is better in many ways. So I tried to use it and I was able to load the user data in the input of the editing form, however, the data I try to change is not updated, because it is not taking the input data (both the data that is loaded into the input, and the data that I input)so I was wondering what’s wrong with my form and the logic I’m using.
Note: I have tried the API put method I am consuming and working.
import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react';
import {Form, FormGroup, Label, Input, Container, CustomInput, Button } from 'reactstrap';
import { Link, useParams } from "react-router-dom";
import { useHistory} from 'react-router-dom';
import '../../assets/css/main.css'
import './style.css'
import { useFormik } from "formik";
import * as Yup from "yup";
import api from '../../services/api'
const FormEditar = (props) => {
const {id} = useParams('');
const obj = {id: '', nome: '', telefone: '', dtNascimento: '', cpf: '', cnpj: '', categoria: '' };
const {nome, telefone, dtNascimento, cpf, cnh, categoria} = props.data;
const initialValues = props.data.id === undefined ? obj : {id, nome, telefone, dtNascimento, cpf, cnh, categoria};
const enableReinitialize = true;
const history = useHistory();
const formik = useFormik({
const DisplayErrors = (props) => {
const { msgError } = props
{msgError && <span className="validate-error">{msgError}</span>}
const [sendNome, setNome] = useState('');
const [sendTelefone, setTelefone] = useState('');
const [sendDtNascimento, setDtNascimento] = useState('');
const [sendCpf, setCpf] = useState('');
const [sendCnh, setCnh] = useState('');
const [sendCategoria, setCategoria] = useState([]);
const [motorista, setMotorista] = useState('');
const handleChange = (event) => {
setNome({ ...sendNome, [event.target.name]: event.target.value })
setTelefone({ ...sendTelefone, [event.target.name]: event.target.value })
setDtNascimento({ ...sendDtNascimento, [event.target.name]: event.target.value })
setCpf({ ...sendCpf, [event.target.name]: event.target.value })
setCnh({ ...sendCnh, [event.target.name]: event.target.value })
setCategoria({ ...sendCategoria, [event.target.name]: event.target.value })
function onSubmit(e) {
let errors = formik.errors;
let values = formik.values;
if (Object.keys(errors).length > 0 || values.email === "" ) {
alert("Os dados devem ser preenchidos corretamente!");
api.put(`motoristas/${id}`, initialValues)
.then(() => {
alert(`Dados atualizados com sucesso!`)
}).catch((error) => alert("Não foi possível atualizar os dados, tente novamente!"))
return (
<Container id="form-input">
<h2>Edite seus dados</h2>
<div id="box-input" >
<Form method="put" onSubmit={onSubmit}>
<FormGroup >
<Label for="nome">Nome:</Label>
<Input type="text" name="nome" id="nome" placeholder="Nome Completo"
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.nome}/>}
<Label for="dtNascimento">Data de Nascimento:</Label>
<Input type="date" name="dtNascimento" id="dtNascimento" placeholder="00/00/0000"
onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("dtNascimento")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.dtNascimento}/>}
<Label for="telefone">Telefone:</Label>
<Input type="text" name="telefone" id="telefone" placeholder="Telefone com DDD" onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("telefone")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.telefone}/>}
<Label for="cpf">CPF:</Label>
<Input type="text" name="cpf" id="cpf" placeholder="CPF"
onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("cpf")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.cpf}/>}
<Label for="cnh">CNH:</Label>
<Input type="text" name="numero" id="numero" placeholder="Número da CNH..." onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("cnh")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.cnh}/>}
<Label for="categoria" className="categoria">Marque a(as) categoria(as) da sua CNH: </Label>
<CustomInput type="checkbox" id="exampleCustomCheckbox" label="A" inline onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("categoria")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.categoria}/>}
<CustomInput type="checkbox" id="exampleCustomCheckbox2" label="B" inline onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("categoria")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.categoria}/>}
<CustomInput type="checkbox" id="exampleCustomCheckbox3" label="C" inline onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("categoria")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.categoria}/>}
<CustomInput type="checkbox" id="exampleCustomCheckbox4" label="D" inline onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("categoria")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.categoria}/>}
<CustomInput type="checkbox" id="exampleCustomCheckbox5" label="E" inline onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("categoria")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.categoria}/>}
<CustomInput type="checkbox" id="exampleCustomCheckbox6" label="AAC" inline onChange={formik.handleChange} {...formik.getFieldProps("categoria")}
/> {formik.errors && <DisplayErrors msgError={formik.errors.categoria}/>}
<Button type="submit" className="btn-form-voltar" to="/" tag={Link}>Voltar</Button>
<Button type="submit" className="btn-form-salvar">Salvar</Button>
export default FormEditar;