Calculation of quantity of products with error?


Viewed 72 times


I did the part of the calculation of quantity of buying products, in JS, the final result gives error, the total is not multiplied, and continues the same price (129,00).

var $input_quantidade = document.querySelector("#qtd");
var $output_total = document.querySelector("#total");

$input_quantidade.oninput = function() {
    var preço = document.querySelector("#preço").textContent;
    preço = preço.replace ("R$ ","");
    preço = preço.replace (",", ".");
    preço = parseFloat(preço);

    var quantidade = $input_quantidade.value;
    var total = quantidade * preço;
    total = "R$" + total.toFixed(2);
    total = total.replace(".",",");

    $output_total.value = total;

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             <dd id="preço">R$ 129,90</dd>

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                 <label for="total">Total:</label>
                 <output for="qtd preço" id="total" class="form-control">R$ 129,00</output>


  • How about replacing . nodeValue with . value ? will it work ? I bet

  • I did it, but it’s still the same.

  • No, you didn’t, you replaced it with Value with uppercase letter and not value with minuscule letter, the uppercase letter makes the difference

  • Thank you very much guy saw,now it worked,thank you very much even.

1 answer


The code is in error when recovering the price value.

Several points:

Do not put variable with (ç) cedilla, accent or anything in that direction. Check the good variable naming rules.

Check the object you are recovering: document.querySelector("#preço").textContent;

Was replaced by: document.getElementsByClassName("precoProduto");

And the HTML, replaces the ID for classe.

And as I’ve already commented, it replaces the .nodeValue for .value. Always check the upper and lower case.

var $input_quantidade = document.getElementById("qtd");
var $output_total = document.getElementById("total");

$input_quantidade.oninput = function() {
    let preco = document.getElementsByClassName("precoProduto");
    preco =  preco[0].innerHTML;
    preco = preco.replace ("R$ ","");
    preco = preco.replace (",", ".");
    preco = parseFloat(preco);

    var quantidade = $input_quantidade.value;
    var total = quantidade * preco;
    total = "R$" + total.toFixed(2);
    total = total.replace(".",",");

    $output_total.value = total;
<!DOCTYPE html>
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           <title>Checkout Mirror Fashion</title>
         <div class="jumbotron jumbotron-fluid">
             <div class="container">
                <h1 class="display-4">Ótima escolha!</h1>
                 <dd class="precoProduto">R$ 129,90</dd>
            <div class="form-group">
                 <label for="qtd">Quantidade:</label>
                 <input type="number" id="qtd" min="1" max="99" value="1" class="form-control">
            <div class="form-group">
                 <label for="total">Total:</label>
                 <output for="qtd preço" id="total" class="form-control">R$ 129,00</output>

  • thanks,the code works,but when I run the page in the browser,the action does not work.

  • @David, javascript has to be after HTML see here It’s working with you and everything, the only change I made was that. value

  • thanks, now it worked.

  • @David, if your server still doesn’t work, check the source code and see if they have been replaced by ? or other characters. If you verify this, you must save your code with UTF8 encoding

  • Yes, even with them it works perfectly. I only pointed them out, by programming best practices. Always check the code structure (order of Styles, scripts and html), indentation, variable names.

  • @Rebecanonate, it’s always great to recommend best practices.

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