SQL code with php PDO bindValue returns a simple quotation marks inside the IN in SQL


Viewed 72 times


Next, I am developing a fuel system, specifically in the part of filters for generating a custom report it returns me an IN('1,2,3') with simple quotes

It all starts in the form, in which I have a multiselect that when sent via POST it returns to me as follows:

array(3) { [0]=> string(2) "41" [1]=> string(2) "42" [2]=> string(2) "43" } 

So I use a trait to process this data that is called treatSqlIn($data)

public function tratarSqlIn($dados)
   $valor = implode(',', $dados);

    return $valor;


string(8) "41,42,43" 

and use it within the FPDF:

$motoristas = TratarDados::tratarSqlIn($_POST['motorista']);

Assim ela é enviada para a model:


O SQL na model é da seguinte forma:

$sql = "SELECT *, a.quantidade, a.data_hora FROM ".$objClass->tabela." a
                INNER JOIN tbtanque b ON (b.id_tanque = a.id_tanque)
                INNER JOIN tbmotorista c ON (c.id_motorista = a.id_motorista)
                INNER JOIN tbveiculo d ON (d.id_veiculo = a.id_veiculo)  
            WHERE a.id_cliente = ".$_SESSION['id_cliente']."
            AND a.id_tanque IN(:tanques) AND a.id_motorista IN(:motoristas) AND a.id_veiculo IN(:veiculos) AND 
            a.data_hora BETWEEN :data_inicial AND :data_final AND a.flag_excluido = 0 ORDER BY a.id_saida DESC";
        $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
        $stmt->bindValue(':tanques', $objClass->getTanque(), \PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt->bindValue(':motoristas', $objClass->getMotorista(), \PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt->bindValue(':veiculos', $objClass->getVeiculo(), \PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt->bindValue(':data_inicial', $objClass->getDataInicial(), \PDO::PARAM_STR);
        $stmt->bindValue(':data_final', $objClass->getDataFinal(), \PDO::PARAM_STR);


        $objResultado = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        return $objResultado;

Using before $stmt->execute()


Returns me like this, inside the IN( has simple quotes):

SELECT *, a.quantidade, a.data_hora FROM tbmov_saida a 
INNER JOIN tbtanque b ON (b.id_tanque = a.id_tanque) 
INNER JOIN tbmotorista c ON (c.id_motorista = a.id_motorista)
INNER JOIN tbveiculo d ON (d.id_veiculo = a.id_veiculo) WHERE a.id_cliente = 11 
AND a.id_tanque IN('77,78') 
AND a.id_motorista IN('41,42,43')
AND a.id_veiculo IN('1,2') 
AND a.data_hora BETWEEN '2020-07-01 12:00:00' AND '2020-07-31 12:00:00'
AND a.flag_excluido = 0 ORDER BY a.id_saida DESC 

What do I know: I know bindValue already inserts the escapes and it doesn’t work either because I tried it with this code in the trait

public function tratarSqlIn($dados) { $valor = implode(',', $dados);

$explode_seq = explode(',', $valor);

$n = array();
foreach ($explode_seq as $num){
    $n[] = "'" . $num . "'";
$result = implode(" , ", $n);

return $result;


and it gets IN('\'2\',\'3\'')...

How to remove these simple Apas?

  • 1

    here is a number of solutions for this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14767530/php-using-pdo-with-in-clause-array

  • Didn’t help much.

  • You need to study more ... it didn’t help because you don’t want to be helped, but you want ready.

  • The concept of helping is very abstract for you to say this.

  • So, I reaffirm ... study further.

  • The problem is not to study, I already knew the reason and the solution was the following: IN(".implode(',', $objClass->getMotorista() ).") in every IN in sql, because the bindValue automatically inserts a string inside single quotes. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Using PDO::PARAM_STR does just that... in this case you don’t need to use bindValue, it generates it manually! The source of the data is safe!

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1 answer


To solve, I just added inside the house in the implode ex:

 IN(".implode(',', $objClass->getMotorista() ).") 

The reason is that bindValue automatically inserts a single quote string between the string.

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