Popular a List with database data accessed by Entityframework


Viewed 347 times


As popular as mine List, in C#, with the data stored in the database accessed through the Entityframework?

Current code:

 public static IEnumerable<Contato> GetAll()
        return new List<Contato> { //DAqui pa frente nao sei para onde ir . . .//

1 answer


Consider that you already have your class that you inherit from Dbcontext configured to work with the Entity Framework... example:

public partial class SeuDBContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Contato> Contatos { get; set; }

In addition to your mapped entity, I believe that in the method itself you could do just that:

public IEnumerable<Contato> GetAll()
    using(var context = new SeuDBContext())
        return context.Contatos;

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