Hello, I’m trying to create a live search with Redux, but it only gives the match with the full word. What is the best method to actually return to my table, in this case only the values that the string in search contains?
const brandsList = useSelector(state => state.brands.brandList);
{brandsList.slice(0, rowsPerPage).map((brand, i) => (
<TableRow className={classes.tableRow} hover key={i}>
<Typography variant="body1">{brand.name}</Typography>
<Typography variant="body1">{brand.CNPJ}</Typography>
<Typography variant="body1">{brand.email}</Typography>
<Typography variant="body1">{brand.address}</Typography>
<Link to={`/brand/${brand.id}`}>
<IconButton aria-label="edit">
<EditIcon />
case fromTypes.SEARCHING_BRANDS:
const {value} = action;
const works = state.brandList.filter(item => item.name === value);
return {
...state, value, works