SQL Update from another tab


Viewed 121 times


Hello, I’m trying to update the product table using the average unit values of one year in the document table (where the notes enter) and the q instruction I’m using returns with error:

UPDATE DimProduto
SET PM = AVG(DimDocumento.Vu)
FROM DimProduto
DimProduto.ProdId = DimDocumento.ProdId
WHERE (DimDocumento.DtCadstr BETWEEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DateAdd(mm, -12,GetDate()-1),3) AND CONVERT (VARCHAR(10),GETDATE()-1,3))

the mistake is:

Mensagem 157, Nível 15, Estado 1, Linha 175
Uma agregação pode não aparecer na lista de conjuntos de uma instrução UPDATE.

PM is the average price field of the Dimproduto table and Vu is the field with the unit value of the Dimdocumento table. I need to filter the period in a year to have more updated values in the comparisons. I appreciate any help.

2 answers



You can use an OUTER APPLY to solve this without using subquery

        UPDATE A
        SET pm = ISNULL(C.pm, 0)
        FROM dimproduto as A
        OUTER APPLY (
                    SELECT AVG(vu) AS pm
                    FROM dimdocumento  AS B
                    WHERE A.prodid = B.prodid
                    ) AS C

        SELECT * 
        FROM dimproduto


With aggregation function will not achieve even... I suggest using sub-select with exists.


UPDATE dimproduto
   SET pm = (SELECT AVG(dimdocumento.vu)
                FROM dimdocumento
               WHERE dimproduto.prodid = dimdocumento.prodid
                 AND dimdocumento.dtcadstr BETWEEN
                     convert(VARCHAR(10), dateadd(mm, -12, getdate() - 1), 3) AND
                     convert(VARCHAR(10), getdate() - 1, 3))
                 FROM dimdocumento
                WHERE dimproduto.prodid = dimdocumento.prodid
                  AND dimdocumento.dtcadstr BETWEEN
                     convert(VARCHAR(10), dateadd(mm, -12, getdate() - 1), 3) AND
                     convert(VARCHAR(10), getdate() - 1, 3))

See spinning here.

  • Vlw Bruno, thank you for the reply. Swirled ok.

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