C# convert dynamic string to xml with TAG


Viewed 153 times


I would like to know how to convert a string with XML inline to an XML with tags, I am using Xmldocument, I have the following code:

var MihaString="<MeuXML Info01="teste 0121245" Info02="2020-01-14" Info03="2019-12-30"/>";

the variable Mihastring is dynamic, I do not know what is the structure of XML, only I know it will come inline, and I always need to convert to XML with TAG

XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
var result = xmlDocument.OuterXml;

However even using Outerxml it maintains the same input xml structure.

Expected result would be something like this:

  <Info01> teste 0121245 </Info01>
  <Info02> 2020-01-14 </Info02>
  <Info03> 2019-12-30 </Info03>
  • you besides one example have several others?

  • Any xml can come, for example: <Meuxml Info01="test 0121245" Info02="2020-01-14" Info03="2019-12-30"> <aaaa bbb="test 0121245" cccc="2020-01-14" ddd="2019-12-30"/> </Meuxml>, the goal is to take everything this inline and turn TAG

  • complicated, because it seems a more complicated operation than in the example. Usually this should already come ready, correctly, now you could write a text explaining the subject, if it is this way just make a recursive process and generate the nodes with the answer I gave you earlier

  • I managed to solve it, posted the answer here.

2 answers


There are several ways to do what you want, I have a project that handles xml strings directly, but in your case, you can use Xmldocument to do the required conversion.

XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.Load("seu xml");

XmlNode selectedNode = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("./<XPath>");
selectdeNode = changeNodeAttributesToElements(selectdeNode,xmlDoc);

private XmlNode changeNodeAttributesToElements(XmlNode node,XmlDocument xmlDoc)

    foreach (XmlAttribute att in node.Attributes)
        XmlNode newNode = xmlDoc.CreateElement(att.Name);
        newNode.InnerText = att.Value;



Using the reference of the answers 30166183 and 29426107, I adapted and managed to generate XML dynamically, converting the attributes to TAG.



  XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
  var dictionary = document.ToObject();
  var xmlElement = XmlDocumentExtension.ToXML(dictionary, document.LastChild.Name);
  var xmldoc = new XmlDocument();
  var xmlResult = xmldoc.OuterXml;


  public static XElement ToXML(this IDictionary<string, object> dic, string firstNode)
        IList<XElement> xElements = new List<XElement>();
        foreach (var item in dic)
              xElements.Add(new XElement(item.Key.Contains("XX_XX") ? item.Key.Split(new string[] { "XX_XX" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0] : item.Key, GetXElement(item.Value))); ;
        XElement root = new XElement(firstNode, xElements.ToArray());
        return root;

  private static object GetXElement(dynamic item)
        if (item != null && item.GetType() != typeof(String))
              IList<XElement> xElements = new List<XElement>();
              foreach (var item2 in item as IDictionary<string, object>)
                    var dic = (item2.Value as IDictionary<string, object>);
                    var key = item2.Key;

                    if (item2.Key?.Contains("XX_XX") == true)
                          key = key.Split(new string[] { "XX_XX" }, StringSplitOptions.None)[0];
                    if (dic?.Keys.Count == 1 && dic.Keys.First() == "XXvalueXX")
                          xElements.Add(new XElement(key, GetXElement(dic.Values.First())));
                        xElements.Add(new XElement(key, GetXElement(item2.Value)));
              return xElements.ToArray();
        return item;

  public static IDictionary<string, object> ToObject(this XmlDocument document)
        XmlElement root = document.DocumentElement;
        return ToObject(root, new ExpandoObject());

  private static IDictionary<string, object> ToObject(XmlNode node, ExpandoObject config, int count = 1)
        var parent = config as IDictionary<string, object>;
        foreach (XmlAttribute nodeAttribute in node.Attributes)
              var nodeAttrName = nodeAttribute.Name.ToString();
              parent[nodeAttrName] = nodeAttribute.Value;
        foreach (XmlNode nodeChild in node.ChildNodes)
              if (IsTextOrCDataSection(nodeChild))
                    parent["XXvalueXX"] = nodeChild.Value;
                    string nodeChildName = nodeChild.Name.ToString();
                    if (parent.ContainsKey(nodeChildName))
                          parent[nodeChildName + "XX_XX" + count] = ToObject(nodeChild, new ExpandoObject(), count++);
                          parent[nodeChildName] = ToObject(nodeChild, new ExpandoObject());
        return config;

  private static bool IsTextOrCDataSection(XmlNode node)
        return node.Name == "#text" || node.Name == "#cdata-section";

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