Is it possible to add a view with express-Enerator?


Viewed 24 times


I would like to understand if after the creation of a project structure with express -v pug -c sass projectoName, it is possible to add some view or partial, to be using as header or footer.

In short, how to add new pages with express-Enerator?

1 answer


The express Generator is a tool for creating and setting up an app. It creates the basic application structures, configures the preview engine, css engine, tooth others, but ends with this.

Once I command you express -v pug -c sass projectoName is executed, the express-Enerator finishes his work.

To create new views (views), complete or partial, you need to create a new file manually.

Frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, for example, can generate views, models, or structure (scaffold) a full CRUD.

There are other frameworks, such as Sails,js (based on express.js), who have the command sails generate page which does what is proposed in the question: Create a view the structure of it.

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