I’d do it this way:
Would eliminate all lines with NA
in total_tests
Convert date
for date, as it is possible to establish an order relation in that column
Sort the data frame by country
and for date
, so as to make sure that all the observations of each country are together and in ascending order by date
Group by country
Would apply the function tail
with argument 1, to keep only the last line of each block of observations of each country
The final code went like this:
updates <- download_merged_data(cached = TRUE)
updates %>%
filter(!is.na(total_tests)) %>%
mutate(date = ymd(date)) %>%
arrange(country, date) %>%
group_by(country) %>%
do(tail(., 1))
# A tibble: 83 x 35
# Groups: country [83]
iso3c country date confirmed deaths recovered ecdc_cases ecdc_deaths
<chr> <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 ARG Argent… 2020-06-01 17415 556 5521 16838 539
2 AUS Austra… 2020-05-31 7202 103 6618 7185 103
3 AUT Austria 2020-06-01 16733 668 15596 16642 668
4 BHR Bahrain 2020-06-01 11871 19 7070 11398 19
5 BGD Bangla… 2020-05-31 47153 650 9781 44608 610
6 BLR Belarus 2020-06-01 43403 240 18776 42556 235
7 BEL Belgium 2020-05-30 58186 9453 15769 58061 9443
8 BOL Bolivia 2020-05-31 9982 313 968 9592 310
9 BRA Brazil 2020-05-29 465166 27878 189476 438238 26754
10 BGR Bulgar… 2020-06-01 2519 140 1090 2513 140
# … with 73 more rows, and 27 more variables: total_tests <dbl>,
# tests_units <chr>, soc_dist <dbl>, mov_rest <dbl>, pub_health <dbl>,
# gov_soc_econ <dbl>, lockdown <dbl>, apple_mtr_driving <dbl>,
# apple_mtr_walking <dbl>, apple_mtr_transit <dbl>,
# gcmr_retail_recreation <dbl>, gcmr_grocery_pharmacy <dbl>, gcmr_parks <dbl>,
# gcmr_transit_stations <dbl>, gcmr_workplaces <dbl>, gcmr_residential <dbl>,
# gtrends_score <dbl>, gtrends_country_score <int>, region <chr>,
# income <chr>, population <dbl>, land_area_skm <dbl>, pop_density <dbl>,
# pop_largest_city <dbl>, life_expectancy <dbl>, gdp_capita <dbl>,
# timestamp <dttm>
It worked perfectly, thank you!
– Alexandre Sanches