I am writing the test of a findByID method():
public DoctorDTO getDoctorById(long id) throws DoctorNotFoundException {
Optional<Doctor> doctorO = VerifyIfExists(id);
return doctorMapper.toDTO(doctorO.get());
private Optional<Doctor> VerifyIfExists(long id) throws DoctorNotFoundException {
Optional<Doctor> doctorO = doctorRepository.findById(id);
if (doctorO.isEmpty()) {
throw new DoctorNotFoundException(id);
return doctorO;
As you can see, I use a Mapper to return a Doctordto type.
On my test, using the mockite:
DoctorRepository doctorRepository;
DoctorMapper doctorMapper;
DoctorService doctorService;
void testGivenValidDoctorThenReturnThisDoctor() throws DoctorNotFoundException {
DoctorDTO expectedDoctorDTO = createFakeDoctorDTO();
Doctor expectedDoctor = createFakeEntity();
DoctorDTO doctorDTO = doctorService.getDoctorById(expectedDoctor.getId());
assertEquals(expectedDoctorDTO, doctorDTO);
assertEquals(expectedDoctorDTO.getCrm(), doctorDTO.getCrm());
assertEquals(expectedDoctorDTO.getName(), doctorDTO.getName());
It is returned to me that when(doctorMapper.toDTO(expectedDoctor)). thenReturn(expectedDoctorDTO);
is not used, but my method (doctorService.getDoctorByID) uses doctorMapper.toDTO. Would anyone know why the next message appears when I run the test ?
Unnecessary stubbings detected. Clean & maintainable test code requires zero unnecessary code. Following stubbings are unnecessary (click to navigate to relevant line of code): 1. -> at com.example.medicalrecordapi.services.DoctorServiceTest.testGivenValidDoctorThenReturnThisDoctor(DoctorServiceTest.java:61) Please remove unnecessary stubbings or use 'lenient' strictness. More info: javadoc for UnnecessaryStubbingException class.
I’m using Mockito the wrong way?