Size of a predefined range within a vector


Viewed 161 times


I wonder how I can calculate the amount of elements I have in a predefined range, within a vector.

For example: Let’s say I have a size 10 vector. My intention for example is to want to know how many elements have between the second element of my vector until the sixth element of my vector.


I want to know how many numbers I have between the second element of my vector(vetor[2]) and the sixth element (vetor[6]). That in this case there are 5 elements.

Note: In this case I want the second and sixth element to be part of the count.

  • 2

    If I understand correctly you just want to count the number of elements between two positions n1 and n2. In this case, it’s just a mathematical matter, independent of any language. Just do the math: numero = n2 - n1 + 1.

1 answer


Well, as Luiz Vieira said, in this case you can simply calculate.

Anyway, just to not leave without an answer, you can subset your vector first vetor[2:6] and then count how many elements the vector subset has using length:

[1] 5
  • 1

    Thank you so much for your help!

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