How do I delete cookies on Node.js when the user leaves the site?


Viewed 122 times


I am setting a cookie in Node.js when the user chooses the language:

res.cookie('lang', req.body.lang)

But I wanted to delete the cookie when it closes the site, so that when it comes back the language is the default, is it possible to do this? I only found answers to Session cookies.

1 answer


The function clearCookie can help you, I’ll give an example:

app.get('/logout', (req, res) => {
// Remove o cachê do usuário
users.findIndex((obj => 
obj.profile.oid == 
req.user.profile.oid)), 1);
req.session.destroy( (err) => {
res.redirect('http://localhost:' + port);


  • But I wanted to delete the cookies when the user closed the tab for example, I have no option to log out

  • You cannot do this with cookies, only with sessions.

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