Unityengine.UI does not work


Viewed 237 times


So, I’m learning programming and in the course the teacher put a code in the algorithm that is "using Unityengine.UI" to be able to put the commands and Talz, only when I went to do in my Unity, it doesn’t pick up, it doesn’t recognize as a command And without that, I can’t do what the teacher asks. (I’m totally beginner ok if it’s something basic I’m sorry.)

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • An error appears when you run the program?

  • You installed uinity SDK?

  • no error appears, what only happens is that the script does not consider Unityengine.UI as a command

  • how to see if I installed sdk?

  • @Joãofrancisco, you just said no...

  • @Joãofrancisco instead of putting an image with the code put the code itself.

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1 answer


Hello, John, it’s not actually a build issue or anything like that, your IDE is not identifying the Unity library, just delete the following files from the folder of your project:

.vscode (in my case, which uses VS Code), Assimbly-Csharp.csproj, Nomedoprojet.sln (The Visual Studio solution, if you are using)

After this, reopen some script from your project with your IDE and it will be loaded again without any errors.

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