Payment details of installments of insurance policies


Viewed 54 times


I am finding it difficult to model an "Payment Details" entity, where it contains the numbering of an insurance policy or endorsement, with information such as gross premium payable, IOF, total cost, etc. and more installments, which can be up to 3 times.

My difficulty is just how to model the installment. I would have to have a row for each installment?

The PK of this entity is the numbering of the policy that is unique, but if I split, it will no longer be unique, because I will have repetition.

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1 answer


From what I understand you will have two tables (it is possible that you have others, but not for this part of the problem), one with the general details of the payment and the other for the installments. It has to do otherwise, but it is more advanced and more like optimization and complicated in some systems, so the relational model normalized more bandstand would be like this.

In this table of plots would have a row for each plot. The primary key would consist of the policy number plus an item serial, so the first installment would have the serial 01, the second, 02, and so on. The two fields together always form a single key.

Obviously it will be common to use JOIN to join the two pieces of information.

  • In fact, the details of the "Detail" entity are descended from an entity called "Detail of Mission". What are you suggesting is in the "Detail" entity I perform a JOIN of the "Portion" and "Document(Policy) attributes for the creation of a primary key? Detailsmission Policy (PK) Insurer Process Beginning of Vigencia End of Vigencia Insured Importance(R$) Total Prize Detailspayment Codpayment(JOIN "Document" + Installment)PK Apolice(FK) Installment Total Cost The relationship would be (1,n)

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