Make Sonarqube with Opencover ignore some C#classes


Viewed 170 times


It is possible to configure Sonarqube with Opencover to ignore some classes of my project . NET?

1 answer


Adds the flag -filter the Opencover execution command to delete types belonging to a namespace MyNamespace:

-filter:"+[*]* -[NomeDaAssembly]MyNamespace.*"

I’m not sure, but I think you can also delete specific files in a similar way:

-filter:"+[*]* -[NomeDaAssembly]MyNamespace.MySpecificClass.cs"
  • I don’t call Opencover directly, everything is done by Sonar, according to the Can you put this "filter" command in From the sonar documentation, apparently, you can only delete at the project level...

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