How to change the URL of the Wordpress homepage?


Viewed 35 times


Hello, people. Well, I will try to be as brief as possible. I currently use this URL on my homepage: which is my domain

and I’d like her to be like that: that would be my domain with the /br/

How can I do that? Just so we’re clear, I just want mine home page changes, other pages should normally enter without using the /br/, example:

2 answers


You can build the /br page in WP, but not link the other pages to it. Already on the main page, it creates normal (because it will need it to create the product pages), but at the root / puts a redirect to the /br. If your idea is to have a/ and a /br, then just put a button question, depending on the template you are using, it should already have a similar function.


The site will have to have a home page, even if it is not being used. If this is the case you can create a new page, go to settings > Read and choose the new page as the home page.

After that, go back to the home page and change the permanent link to: (br will become the new url of this page).

For the home page not to be blank or unnoticed, you can redirect to this new page /br. For this you can use a plugin like the redirection, or redirect directly to your . htaccess file

Smart to help, good luck!

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