Failed to read filter property of Undefined on Vue.js


Viewed 63 times


I’m getting this error message on Vue.js:

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘filter’ of undefined.
export default {

data: () => ({
    plugins: {},
    search: '', 
components: {
mounted() {
    PluginService.list().then(plugins => {
        this.plugins = plugins.reduce((result, plugin) => {
            (result[plugin.toolbarGroup] = result[plugin.toolbarGroup] || []).push(plugin);
            return result;
        }, {});
    }, () => {
        console.error("Failed to load plugins");


    filteredItems: function(){
        return this.items.filter((item)=>{


<v-col sm="2" class="pa-0 toolbar-wrapper fill-height">
    <v-container class="fill-height smartfy-toolbar align-content-start px-0 py-3 flex-nowarp">

<h2 class="mx-auto white--text mb-3">Toolbar</h2>

        <v-expansion-panels accordion multiple dark class="smartfy-toolbar-item">

            <v-expansion-panel v-for="(items, category) in plugins" :key="category">
                <v-expansion-panel-header expand-icon="mdi-menu-down">
                    {{ category }}
                <input type="text" id="search" v-model="search" placeholder="Search plugins" ><br><br>
                    <v-row class="toolbar-item-row" v-for="i in Math.ceil(filteredItems.length / 2)" :key="i">
                        <ToolbarPlugin v-for="item in filteredItems.slice((i - 1) * 2, i * 2)" :key="" v-bind:plugin="item" />

1 answer


Try to put the items within its date.

data: () => ({
  plugins: {},
  search: '',
  items: []
  • It wasn’t... Stop giving the bug, but when I put it to search, no options appear. And When you load the page, no entries appear. It is empty. Even the categories appear, but the items in this category do not

  • When I print filteredItems below the </v-Row> comes as empty

  • Um... do you fill out the items at any time? I didn’t notice any value being assigned to it in the above excerpt

  • I’ve solved the problem. Thank you

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