How to operate on the counter of a while in each loop iteration


Viewed 126 times


Sorry my ignorance I’m starting to learn python now, my doubt is: How can I generate a result in each iteration of a while.

valor= input('digite o numero desejado:')

contador = 0

while contador <=100:

print(contador, '% de', valor,' é igual a:', **'RESULTADO'**)
contador= contador + 1 

I want to find a function or command that print the term RESULT for all values from 1 to 100.

  • Helped a lot, I managed to finish my project and still learned something new, I don’t know how to thank.

2 answers


You can use comprehensilist on to obtain the value and f-strig to simplify the composition of the text.

valor= int(input('digite o numero desejado:'))

#No caso 0% e 100% são valores redundante pois 0% sempre vai ser 0 e 100% é o valor da entrada
for p, r in [(i, valor * i / 100) for i in range(1,100)]:
  print(f'{p}% de {valor} é igual a {r}')

or else:

valor= int(input('digite o numero desejado:'))

#No caso 0% e 100% são valores redundante pois 0% sempre vai ser 0 e 100% é o valor da entrada
for r in [(i, valor * i / 100) for i in range(1,100)]:
  print(f'{r[0]}% de {valor} é igual a {r[1]}')

Test both examples in

List comprehension is a way to create lists where elements are obtained or operations applied to members of another iterable sequence or satisfying a certain condition.

Strings-f are literal strings prefixed by the letter 'f' or 'F' where expressions appear between keys {and } is an expression of the language to be evaluated.

  • Those who voted negative would like to explain what is wrong with the answer so that it can be improved.

  • Thanks for the tips I will study on these subjects that have been addressed.

  • 1

    @Viniciussartori anything is just asking a new question that the community is always willing to help.

  • Augusto you could explain how I could now " search " a certain value among these values, let’s say that at the end of the code I create an input that I would like to find a specific number as for example. ' show the value of 31% only ' but the previous result list is not gone. ps: I only changed the range to run the code because I wanted the 100% value to be shown at the end, even though I knew it is the same value as the input number.

  • @Viniciussartori Seria print(valor * número_desejado / 100) in case 31% would be print(valor * 31 /100).


A simple mathematical calculation already solves the problem to find the result. Just divide the value by 100 and then multiply by contador that you get the result.

resultado = valor / 100 * porcentagem

You can improve your code by replacing the loop while by a for...range. This way, you reduce the amount of lines that would be spent creating the counter.

valor = int(input('Digite o numero desejado: '))

for contador in range(0, 101):
    print(str(contador) + '% de', valor, 'é igual a:', valor / 100 * contador)

And the last problem is that the value you get from the user is a string and not an integer number. Python does not perform calculations with string values, so you will need to convert the obtained value into a int() as in the code above.

  • Thank you very much, it was simpler than I expected, without words for the answer so fast, I can already go to sleep calmly without that doubt. Vlw same.

  • Those who voted negative would like to explain what is wrong with the answer so that it can be improved.

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