Slice and store Ict in pyhon


Viewed 79 times


I have the following class:

class Buckts:

    def __init__(self, keys, palavras, tamanhoP):
        self.listaBuckts = dict()
        self.keys = list(keys)

        aux = list(zip(keys, palavras))
        self.aux2 = list()

        for i in range(0, len(aux), tamanhoP):
            self.aux2.append(dict(aux[i:i + tamanhoP]))

That in the method below returns me a Dict (key + position of the same in aux2)

   def criarB(self):
        for i, pag in enumerate(self.aux2):
            for v in pag.values():
                self.listaBuckts[v] = i
        return self.listaBuckts

The goal now would be to separate the elements of Dict from a function, all elements must be stored according to the rest of the division of its KEY by 10, ie if the key = 10 it must be stored in bucktes[0] since the rest of the division is = 0.

    def indexar(self):
        buckets = [[] for _ in range(10)]

        for i in self.keys:
            for ii in range(10):
                if i % 10 == ii:
        return buckets

The above method is capable of performing the task, but only when I search in the Keys list and not in the Dict list. Buckts, from this I would like to break the Dict and not just the list of Keys:

If you need any further details, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thanks in advance!

1 answer


Hey there, buddy! I believe you’re drawing a very complex line of reasoning for something that should be simple. If ,in the end, the goal is to separate into lists, I believe you should do this in a generic way:

def separador(item):
    return item%10

this will return an int that you can associate to your location where you will split.

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