To test whether the flutter was correctly installed on my Linux machine I wrote in bash the following command : flutter doctor
and received the following return message :
zsh: command not found: flutter
My attempt was to cross the path to my Flutter’s SDK export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH:/home/gabriel_rc/flutter
, but it didn’t work.
How can I solve this problem?
Thanks for the answer ! A question : is this line of code to be inserted at the end of the file? I tried and did not succeed
– Gabriel Ribeiro Carneiro
Anywhere, as long as it’s not mentioned. I’m using Mac and not Linux, but try by the pattern quoted in this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/11530176/7323067
– Julio Henrique Bitencourt
It worked! Thank you very much
– Gabriel Ribeiro Carneiro
@Gabrielribeirocarneiro Show! You can mark the answer as accepted then ;)
– Julio Henrique Bitencourt