Getall Error: Calling Shapedqueryexpression.Visitchildren is not allowed


Viewed 53 times



I am using . NET Core 3.1 and Mysql 8.0

I’m starting a new project using a Mysql database on Digital Ocean.

I’m using the DDD, I used as a basis to make the structure this website.

I created a ObterTodos() to test with the database in Digital Ocean.


While trying to give a ObterTodos() in the Swagger, I get this error: Calling ShapedQueryExpression.VisitChildren is not allowed. Visit expression manually for relevant part.

I did a test, where I created a local SQL Server database, ran the create table, adapted the project to receive the SQL Server connection string (Usesqlserver(...)) and worked... Obtentodos was no mistake!


This is the error in Visual Studio: Erro no Visual Studio

This is the mistake in Swagger: Erro no Swagger



public IActionResult Get()
        return new ObjectResult(service.Get());
    catch (Exception ex)
        return BadRequest(ex);


public IList<T> Get() => repository.ObterTodos();


protected Contexto context;
protected DbSet<T> DbSet;

public BaseRepository()
    context = new Contexto();
    DbSet = context.Set<T>();

public IList<T> ObterTodos()
    return DbSet.ToList();


public class Contexto : DbContext
    public static readonly ILoggerFactory MyLoggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
            .AddFilter((category, level) =>
                category == DbLoggerCategory.Database.Command.Name
                && level == LogLevel.Information)

    public DbSet<Usuario> Usuario { get; set; }
    public Contexto() : base() { }
    public Contexto(DbContextOptions<Contexto> options) : base(options) { }
    protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

        modelBuilder.Entity<Usuario>(new UsuarioMap().Configure);


public class Usuario : BaseEntity
    public string Senha { get; set; }
    public long? PessoaId { get; set; }
    public string PerfilAcesso { get; set; }


public abstract class BaseEntity
    public long Id { get; set; }
    public DateTime? DataCadastro { get; set; }
    public DateTime? DataAlterado { get; set; }
    public DateTime? DataInativado { get; set; }
    public long? UsuarioCadastroId { get; set; }
    public long? UsuarioAlteradoId { get; set; }
    public long? UsuarioInativadoId { get; set; }
    public string Exclusao { get; set; }


public class UsuarioMap : IEntityTypeConfiguration<Usuario>
    public void Configure(EntityTypeBuilder<Usuario> builder)

        builder.HasKey(c => c.Id);

        builder.Property(c => c.Senha)
        builder.Property(c => c.PessoaId)
        builder.Property(c => c.PerfilAcesso)
        builder.Property(c => c.DataCadastro)
        builder.Property(c => c.DataAlterado)
        builder.Property(c => c.DataInativado)
        builder.Property(c => c.UsuarioCadastroId)
        builder.Property(c => c.UsuarioAlteradoId)
        builder.Property(c => c.UsuarioInativadoId)
        builder.Property(c => c.Exclusao)

Mysql Query (Create Table Usuario)

    Id bigint auto_increment primary key,
    Senha VARCHAR(100) not null,
    PessoaId bigint,
    PerfilAcesso varchar(20) not null,
    DataCadastro DateTime,
    DataAlterado DateTime,
    DataInativado DateTime,
    UsuarioCadastroId bigint,
    UsuarioAlteradoId bigint,
    UsuarioInativadoId bigint,
    Exclusao CHAR(1) not null,
    FOREIGN KEY (UsuarioCadastroId)
    REFERENCES Usuario(Id),
    FOREIGN KEY (UsuarioAlteradoId)
    REFERENCES Usuario(Id),
    FOREIGN KEY (UsuarioInativadoId)
    REFERENCES Usuario(Id)
  • On which line of the code the error occurs?

  • @Leandroangelo on this one public IList<T> Get() => repository.ObterTodos();

1 answer


Well, I had no progress with that problem so I undid what I had with Digital Ocean and went to Google Cloud where it has SQL Server. After making all the necessary configuration to access Google Cloud SQL Server and also the project to accept SQL Server, it worked smoothly.

I appreciate any attempt at help, even if I didn’t actually post anything here, but I’m sure they were behind to try to help.

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