Command findstr no cmd


Viewed 113 times


Hello, I made a bat to print information from inside an xml file (Posversion.xml) only that it only gives me the line information I searched and does not tell me which machine that file belongs to. And I want the name of the machine to which the file belongs to appear along with the information I need from it ( the "Coebuild" line). I’m using the code below.

@Echo off for /F "tokens=" %%A in (ServerList.txt) do ( findstr "COEBuild" \%%A\c$\NewPos61\PosData\POSVersion.xml >log.txt ) pause*

Someone can help me ?

1 answer


I believe it’s something like this:

@Echo off
for /F "delims=" %%A in (ServerList.txt) do (
echo %%A:>>log.txt
findstr "COEBuild" \\%%A\c$\NewPos61\PosData\POSVersion.xml>>log.txt

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