Loop While and Foreach (PHP & JS) problem


Viewed 56 times


I have two values from two different columns in the database: Column: Laitude, Longitude.I have stored values within each column of the table: Location. I want to list all the values of Latitude and logintude. so to show this geolocation, I need to use javascript. So I created JS variables to store php data inside javascript. so now I don’t know how to create a loop and show all the values. The way I tried to do it only returns one row of the column: Latitude and Longintude. I want to return all the rows.

<?php foreach($Zone as $Zones){?>


        var ZoneLogitude  = <?=$Zones["Longitude"]?>;
        var ZoneLatitude  = <?=$Zones["Latitude"]?>;

        var marker        = L.marker([Latitude, Longitude]).addTo(mymap);
        var quarter       = L.circle([ZoneLatitude, ZoneLogitude], {

          color: 'yellow',
          fillColor: 'yellow',
          fillOpacity: 0.5,
          radius: 900

          L.tileLayer('https://tile.jawg.io/jawg-sunny/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access-token=A1r6TvsYKBMdJu6fyH3rpZKdqrb8Kv8O6iiAsLQR2GHAmyxTL1Uk1vpV5dpCURZV', {}).addTo(mymap);
        mymap.attributionControl.addAttribution("<a href=\"https://www.jawg.io\" target=\"_blank\">&copy; Jawg</a> - <a href=\"https://www.openstreetmap.org\" target=\"_blank\">&copy; OpenStreetMap</a>&nbsp;contributors")
<?php }?>

If anyone can help me, I’d appreciate it!

1 answer


Always complicated to mix two languages server-side and client-side, I assume that none of them should interfere with each other. From this principle, we can arrive at this code:

// Se puder usar um ajax que uma rota GET para trazer esta informação via clientSide será melhor
// var zones = $.get('zones.php'); -> deve retornar um JSON.
var zones = <?php echo json_encode($Zone); ?>

// para sintaxe de repetição 'foreach' normalmente parte do plural para singular 
// no PHP foreach($zones as $zone)
// no Javascript for(var zone in zones)
for (var zone in zones) {

  var marker = L.marker([Latitude, Longitude]).addTo(mymap);
  var quarter = L.circle([zones[zone].ZoneLatitude, zones[zone].ZoneLogitude], {
    color: "yellow",
    fillColor: "yellow",
    fillOpacity: 0.5,
    radius: 900


    '<a href="https://www.jawg.io" target="_blank">&copy; Jawg</a> - <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org" target="_blank">&copy; OpenStreetMap</a>&nbsp;contributors'


Good luck!

  • thank you for having responded. I did a test playing a console.log to see what it returns to me. and yes, it returned all the values in the log console, but in the map it only returns one. if I take var mymap = L.map('mapid'). setView([Latitude, Longitude], 14); which represents the current location, it returns to me all the values in the console, but if I put it back only returns one value instead of the three values which is the total of the values that need to return

  • 1

    Two things can be done: 1) try to add two cards on the map to see the possibility of this being done; 2) maybe the problem is the map lib you are using, look in the documentation for a help to add multiple markers. I hope you helped, if you need help, open another question regarding this problem. Don’t forget to close the question and evaluate the answer.

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