CSS, center split line between left and right


Viewed 179 times


I own a div, welcome-inputs and within it two other left and right

To left needs to be on the left side of welcome-inputs and the right on the right side of welcome-inputs.

They both have width = 100px

I need to put a line on half a of the two, signalling the separation.

Look at the code jsfiddle.

The red line needs to be in the middle of the images (which represent left and right)

  • 5

    Your editing radically changed the proper solution to deal with your problem...

  • 3

    If at least you explain the problem with the answers given, we can try to improve.

  • @Bacco, you who answered below, this here seems more like a chameleon question that needs to Rollback (v3? ) than being closed, not?

  • @Brasofilo there I do not know if mess Renan. Maybe it is the case to close and then maybe she end up disappearing...

  • Dear User 3163662, please don’t change radically your question after getting answers to the initial problem. This way, you do a disservice to the site and to colleagues who took time to respond to the first version. Please check What to do when O.P changes its question?

3 answers


A simple example of how to put a line in the middle, using border:

div {
  position:relative;      /* Uma espécie de "reset" para os divs se comportarem bem */
  box-sizing:border-box;  /* Ajuste para que o padding não atrapalhe a medida dos 50% */
  padding: 10px;          /* Mera estética da demonstração */

.main {
  width: 80%;             /* acrescentei isto baseado no edit da questão e comments*/
  max-width: 600px;
  background-color: blue;

.left {
  float:left;             /* Fixamos a div na esquerda */
  clear:both;             /* Forçamos ela a começar em nova linha, caso haja mais divs */
  width:50%;              /* E ajustamos a largura. */

.right {
  margin-left:50%;             /* Aqui usamos a margem em vez de float right */
  border-left: 1px dashed white; /* e colocamos a linha separadora */

html, body {      /* Daqui pra baixo é só reset e estética do teste. */
<div class="main">
  <div class="left">1</div>
  <div class="right">2</div>

There are other ways to do it, but without more details on the question, we’d be testing alternatives all day.

  • edited the question, I think I clarified.

  • @user3163662 updated the response, run on "full page" to see if it’s about that, and change the browser window to see the size when you shrink the page.

  • see this http://jsfiddle.net/gn1asdmh/ it is my code, but the line is not in the middle..

  • 1

    I had already seen your code, the way you set up the structure is complicated to use. Better not complicate so much. You took what I did, but you stuck the float-right in there again... there it won’t. As I said in the comment I made in the reply, without knowing better what goes in each part of the Divs, and how it is to get the final result, it is difficult to know the best way.


A solution is to make use of the CSS property box-sizing where we can indicate that we want the width of the elements to include padding and border:


In this way, we can give an edge to one of the elements and visually it is imperceptible the microscopic mismatch that effectively exists.

Similarly, elements are always occupying 50% of the width of their parent element:

body {
    border-right:1px dotted white;
<div class="welcome-inputs">

    <div class="welcomeforms left">left</div>
    <div class="welcomeforms right">right</div>


Also in the Jsfiddle.

  • edited the question, I think I clarified.


There may be better proposals outspoken more elegant. An idea is basically to insert an element <span> among their <divs> .left and .right, something like a separator.

* {box-sizing:border-box;margin:0;padding:0} /*reset*/

.welcome {
    width: 100%;
    height: 200px;
    position: relative;
    background: blue

.left, .right { position: absolute }

.left { left: 0 }
.right{ right: 0 }

.left > img, .right > img { width: 100px } /* tamanho das imagens */

.separator {
    position: absolute;
    display: block;
    top: 0; bottom: 0;
    width: 5%;
    left: 47.5%; /* 50% (metade) - 5%(largura do separador) */
    max-width: 10px; /* para evitar que ele aumente conforme a porcentagem de largura que é 5% */
    background: red
<div class='welcome'>
    <div class='left'>
        <img src='http://i.stack.imgur.com/Vmii1.jpg' alt=''/>
    <span class='separator'></span>
    <div class='right'>
        <img src='http://i.stack.imgur.com/Vmii1.jpg' alt=''/>

  • 1

    I think your answer solves well for the current version of the question. Now just hope it doesn’t change everything again :)

  • @Bacco and Renan Thanks for the help, sorry if somehow I left confused the question is I messed up the correct clarification, helped me a lot, vlw..

  • @Bacco I still didn’t understand what he really wanted.

  • @Renan mysteries... the world is full of mysteries... D

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