Saving csv file using python


Viewed 106 times


I have the following problem:

I have a csv file with multiple numbers.

I read this file, pass a header and make the separation The problem happens when I try to save this data in a new csv file.

Separation does not occur and ends up being equal to the previous file before editing

Follow the code I made:

import pandas as pd

uri = "dados.csv"

cabecalho = ['Axis1', 'Axis2', 'Axis3', 'Steps', 'Lux', 'Inclinometer Off', 'Inclinometer Standing', 'Inclinometer Sitting', 'Inclinometer Lying']

dados =  pd.read_csv(uri, sep=',', header=None, names=cabecalho, index_col=0)
dados.to_csv('dadosLimpos.csv', sep=',')

Example of the CSV:

  • The intention was to create the header in the new file and keep the numbers?

  • Yes. The header comes normal, but it does not separate the correct numbers in each column. Everyone is saved in "Axis1".

  • You put in the CSV you’re using, I ran a test and it was all right, I didn’t change anything in your code. If the CSV is too large, just put a stretch, a few lines.

  • I edited the question with some csv data

  • Is this the expected result?

  • It’s in that shape.

  • So, I didn’t change anything... If you are opening this generated CSV where? In Excel?

  • Yes. He saves with that new name and I open it

  • Maick, this is just Excel itself, it is interpreting the CSV with the delimiter being semicolon, I believe it is the default in the installation BR. Unfortunately at the moment I don’t have an Excel to guide you how to exchange this, but if you want to do a test, change the comma of csv by semicolon and open again.

  • I had done this test. I replaced all the commas with ; . The header it separated, column by column, minus the numbers. I will try to see his settings here. Thank you very much

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2 answers


The code works as desired, the problem must be the excel delimiter setting (Uses ;).

You can open the file in a text editor and use the find and replace option.

Substitute , for ;

So excel should open the file properly

For another program like Libreoffice it is not necessary to do anything


You can write the output file directly into the format .xlsx.

First install the module openpyxl:

$ pip3 install openpyxl

Now, use the following code:

import pandas as pd

entrada = 'dados.csv'
saida = 'dados_limpos.xlsx'
planilha = 'Planilha1'

cabecalho = ['Axis1', 'Axis2', 'Axis3', 'Steps','Lux', 'Inclinometer Off',
    'Inclinometer Standing','Inclinometer Sitting', 'Inclinometer Lying']

df = pd.read_csv(entrada, sep=',', header=None, names=cabecalho, index_col=0)

gravador = pd.ExcelWriter(saida)
df.to_excel(gravador, planilha)

Output File:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

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